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International Communist Workers Party | |
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EL SALVADOR—“This year we want to have a show of strength,” said a young worker member of the International Communist Workers’ Party.
“We are going to go to the march to show that we Communists are present,” confirmed an older farmworker.
“This year we will march together again. As communists and members of ICWP we will distribute Red Flag,” said a comrade speaking for a group of comrades who had retreated and now have returned more sure of their communist ideas represented by ICWP.
We will organize, motivate and invite the workers to protest vigorously against the voracious capitalist system. But our goal is to mobilize them to build a system for the working class worldwide that will bestow good things, both great and elemental, on each man and woman worker in this world. This is ICWP’s guide for action this year in El Salvador.
We have held delicious lunches, splendid dinners and even breakfasts to plan the May Day March this year. There have been meetings of men and women workers, farmworkers, teachers and students from different levels, young and less young have met around the whole country to invite more workers to participate in the demonstration of the working class. And all with the goal of taking our communist ideas and literature to the masses of workers in the 2015 May Day March.
“We have carried out strong work with our co-workers so that they will come to our march,” said a woman worker leader. We’ve had weekly and monthly meetings this year in the factories to improve the quantity and quantity of worker participation.
“We’ve had meetings in different parts of the country every month. Our collective of workers has met every week to see how we are advancing and to analyze how we will march and how we will distribute our newspaper Red Flag,” said a working class leader.
The workers must march that day as an act of struggle that must continue for our whole lives. It’s not a day of rest, or a day to have a party. May Day is the biggest mobilization of the masses all year. We must take advantage of it to motivate the masses to fight for communism. With banners, Red Flag and our pamphlet Mobilize the Masses for Communism, we will massively spread our Party’s ideas.
Urban and rural workers, teachers and students organized in the International Communist Workers’ Party shout the slogan: “No more short-cuts or reforms! Communism is the only alternative for our class!”
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, March 29—Members of our Party club/study group marched today in an annual Palm Sunday peace parade organized by Christian friends. We carried signs and (for the first time) distributed Party leaflets there. The march of more than 200 ended with a vigil at the site where a black youth, Kendrec McDade, was murdered by police three years ago.
Some of us hesitated to raise communist ideas at this religious-themed event. But we were welcomed, and everyone took leaflets until we ran out of them. The moment we held up an anti-capitalist sign, several marchers admired it.
The back of our leaflet briefly summarized early Christian communism. It gave the URL for the Red Flag articles about this (icwpredflag.org/DepthE/HE1_4.pdf). It said:
“We appreciate that many religious activists are resisting efforts of organized religion to divert the egalitarian and environmentally-conscious collective aspirations of the masses into a quest for personal ‘salvation’ and heaven. We hope that more will resist the efforts of liberal religion to divert mass struggle into reform movements that aim to salvage capitalism.
“However, our Party is based on scientific communism. We recognize a material basis for solidarity among the oppressed, instead of an idealized notion of all as ‘children of God.’ We aim to create the material basis for the long-desired ‘beloved community’ through the revolutionary abolition of capitalist wealth, markets, and commodity production.”
One organizer was especially happy to see the leaflet. “I’m going to give it to a Chinese friend. I’ve been talking to him about Christian communism,” he said.
Three of us stopped for tacos before hiking back to our cars. We discussed the contradictions we experienced in trying to do this communist work. Then we brainstormed ways to raise communist ideas in other groups, including a “repair café” that attracts people (mostly white and well-off) who want to get away from a money economy. We have to deal with contradictions there, too.
Our group has grown modestly. More of us are distributing Red Flag and contributing money regularly.
One comrade hosts a party every few months. Typically, dozens attend. One “regular” scolded another comrade once because she hadn’t brought Red Flag. She quickly got a stack from her car. This friend wants us to bring papers to all the meetings he attends. We’ve told him that’s HIS job. Recently he helped distribute papers at a mass demonstration.
The same friend asked us to bring a younger comrade to speak at a Norooz (Persian New Year) celebration. The young comrade was a little nervous about speaking to a group where he only knew a handful of people. But he bravely called for communism and was encouraged by a positive response.
Our group gets small stacks of papers out at two community colleges and some neighborhood restaurants and bookstores. We plan to start distributing Red Flag to day laborers and possibly at a hospital where nurses are trying to unionize. We expect to bring 10-15 people (maybe more) to the Party’s annual pre-May Day dinner. Those of us who can look forward to marching on May Day.