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International Communist Workers Party | |
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The masses are starting to rise.
When 43 normal school students were kidnapped and murdered in Mexico, masses took to the streets. Their angry repudiation of politics as usual cannot be buried by terror or denial on the part of the Mexican ruling class.
When US police murder one black man after another — Michael Brown in Ferguson, Eric Harris in Tulsa, Freddie Gray in Baltimore — the masses in the US take to the streets. Their angry repudiation of racist mass terror cannot be assuaged by black politicians and cops, not even by a black president.
Since last May Day, transit workers in Brazil joined favela residents in protests against the World Cup. Liberian masses rose up against the mass murder and fascist response to Ebola. Strikes swept farms in Baja California, refineries across the US, and a million public service workers walked out in the United Kingdom.
Increasing numbers are finding that we can’t live in the old way. We’re looking for a better way.
The International Communist Workers’ Party has something better: not the dream of a better world, but a plan to fight for it.
We fight directly for communism. Whenever and wherever we take power, we will immediately eliminate wage slavery and private property. We will produce what we need, not to sell, but to share with whoever needs it.
We will build a society where we know each other—how else can we organize a system where we share what we produce? We won’t have what Marx called the “cash nexus” between us and our neighbors and coworkers. Instead we will collectively decide what to produce and who needs what.
There will be no unemployment or homelessness. Nobody will have luxuries until everyone has the basics. We won’t build islands of prosperity while workers across the sea are starving.
In mobilizing the masses for communism, now and after we take power, we’ll recognize the common interests that we share with the sisters and brothers in the next neighborhood and around the world. We will continue to fight until the whole world is free of the capitalist class. Then there will be no more nations or borders, no more imperialist wars.
We will finally be able to eliminate the scourges of racism and sexism. We’ll eliminate their root: the wage system that can only function when workers are divided and some are oppressed even more than others. We’ll refute in practice the lie that the lives of some workers matter more than others.
We won’t have drugs or gangs, cops or jails. The bosses need cops and jails to enforce a class society where the rich steal what we produce. We won’t need them. We’ll create solid and pervasive social relationships where we care about and socialize with each other. We’ll have real, not virtual, social networks.
We’ll be able to deal with most problems collectively before they become criminal, anti-social acts. We’ll have a mass party mobilized as a Red Army, to extend and protect our revolutionary gains from the exploiters who want to make a comeback.
Some say that the International Communist Workers’ Party is unrealistic. They think that our goal of communism is just a dream. That communism is too good to be true. That it “will never happen.”
We reply that the real dreamers are those who believe they can reform capitalism to serve the masses worldwide. Reform movements actually strengthen the hands of the racist bosses – from immigration reform and the $15/hour movement in the US to alternative trade unions in South Africa, from Podemos in Spain to Syriza in Greece and the FMLN in El Salvador.
Communism is not just a dream. We’ve got a realistic plan to bring our message to the masses of angry workers in motion around the world, and build a party that can fight for power.
We ask you to join the ICWP and help end capitalism for good with communist revolution.
How do you join? Talk to anyone distributing this paper. We’ll ask you to read our manifesto Mobilize the Masses for Communism. If you agree with its basic ideas and are willing to get to work putting it into practice, tell a comrade you’d like to join. Or contact us by phone, letter or email. It’s that simple. We’re confident that you can quickly contribute.
As a member you’ll join or build a Party collective. With your comrades you’ll collectively decide how you can best help to mobilize the masses for communism. You’ll make a list of friends, family and co-workers who might be open to communist ideas, and share our literature with them. You’ll ask and help answer questions. Everyone’s contribution is valuable!
This time the revolution will succeed precisely because it will be a communist revolution. Party members like you will have the same goal then as now, only on a much larger scale. We will collectively figure out how to mobilize the masses to solve every social problem.
We need you and millions of others to carry out this plan. Join the ICWP and together we can make the communist dream come true!