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International Communist Workers Party | |
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LOS ANGELES, CA– Brendon Glenn, 29, a homeless black man. Shot and killed by Los Angeles cop Clifford Proctor (also black) on May 5 in Venice, California. Two officers responded to a 911 call claiming he had been arguing with a bouncer in front of a restaurant and pestering passersby. Police refuse to release a video of the murder.
Nephi Arriguin, 21, also black. Killed by a sheriff’s deputy on May 7 in Cerritos, California.
Hector Morejon, 14, Latino. Murdered by a cop in a vacant residence. Dying in an ambulance, he cried out, “Mommy, Mommy, please come, please come.” The cops refused to let her inside the ambulance.
“The police decide whose life they take,” said an angry high school student.
“The cops are trained to see residents in the areas they patrol as enemy combatants. This is how the military refers to the enemy in combat zones,” said a black worker from South Central Los Angeles. He added, “Every 24 hours a black worker dies at the hands of the police.”
In Baltimore, the State Prosecutor, Marilyn Mosby, a black woman, charged six police officers involved in the murder last month of 25-year-old Freddie Gray. She said to Baltimore youth, “I will seek justice on your behalf. This is a moment. This is your moment. Let’s insure that we have peaceful and productive rallies that will develop structural and systemic changes for generations to come. You are at the forefront of this cause. And as young people our time is now.”
Here’s the contradiction: On one hand the capitalist bosses absolutely need a police force that is trained to kill and intimidate the “enemy combatants.” On the other hand, the same bosses absolutely need to convince the masses of workers that the system works, that “justice” can be obtained.
As the crisis of capitalism intensifies, the capitalist owners squeeze the masses ever more so they can keep their profits up. So they must keep us (unemployed and employed workers and youth) in check and under control so we won’t rebel against the system—or, even worse, organize to destroy it. This is why workers are treated as “enemy combatants.” This is class war, the capitalist class against the working class.
But to try to divert us from our absolute necessity of communist revolution, the capitalist bosses need servants who tell us that the capitalist system of wage slavery is just fine. That the problem is just “a few rotten apples.” They want us to be loyal to this capitalist system so that we will have no problem fighting for it against other world capitalists like the rulers of China, Russia or Iran.
We, workers, soldiers and students, must reject both the racist cops and the liberal reformists. All serve the capitalist bosses and their system of exploitation. We have to build the International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP) to mobilize the masses for communism.
In a communist world, there will be no exploitation and no wage slavery, no more cops and no more racist murders. Everybody will contribute as they can and will receive what they need. These are communist principles that will guide the new society.
Our response to the continuing wave of racist police murders in Los Angeles will sharpen in this year’s ICWP Summer Project. Students, workers and soldiers, new and more experienced members and friends alike, will take these ideas to the factories, barracks, neighborhoods and schools. We’ll take them to the mass protests against racist police murders that will surely continue to erupt. Study groups and social events will be part of the plan, as will be learning to write and produce Red Flag.
If you want to participate, ask the person who gave you this paper or call (310) 487-7674.