EL SALVADOR- Masses of workers are in motion
against the capitalist oppressor. Thousands of
workers protested in Turkey against the government
that is using religion to divide and poison
the workers. In Spain and Greece workers are
struggling against the inhuman austerity plans
which serve to "save" the capitalists from the crisis
they created.
The working men and women of the world
don't need a new capitalist government of "leftists"
or "national unity." The workers of Turkey,
Brazil, and the whole world need to destroy the
capitalist state apparatus which serves and administers
the bosses' profits worldwide.
The masses need communist leadership to
guide them to build a communist system under the
leadership of the International Communist Workers
Party which will put an end to the structural
problems of capitalism, insecurity, organized
crime, poverty, and exploitation. The workers are
the only ones who can solve their problems by
uniting working men and women, soldiers, students,
farmworkers, and intellectuals to organize
to build a mass, invincible Red Army to destroy
The communist system is a crucial step in the
development of human civilization. Struggling for
and building communism means that together we
will work so that every man, woman, and child in
the world has food, housing, clothes, dignified education,
and health care. In communism no
worker will be forced to work long hours to fill
the pockets and interests of an elite. Each will
work with and for the community.
Materialism and dialectical contradictions
every day show us that money and the capitalist
system are responsible for society's problems.
Each year, thousands of people die from diseases
and the vile living conditions they are forced to
endure, while pharmacies and hospital shelves are
full of medicines and treatments denied to the
workers because they don't have the money. 1.3
billion tons of food are thrown away every year
while more than 870 million people suffer from
Communism will ensure that everyone can
enjoy art, literature and music and develop his/her
potential and aptitude. It will break down the barriers
of nationalism, racism and patriotism and
unite us. Communist education will be massive
and of quality for all workers. Capitalist education
that teaches us to be passive, not to think, and
fosters individualism and selfishness will cease to
exist. Communism will create a nonsexist, inclusive
education system that promotes human values
where no one is denied a book because they
don't have money.
Our victory is certain. The day will come when
the whole working class wakes from its sleep and
raises its steel fist with strength and power to
break the chains of wage slavery and social inequality
and to annihilate the international bosses
and capitalism.
Working men and women, youth, farmworkers,
soldiers: join our victorious struggle. We will win
if all of us organize worldwide to spread our communist
ideas through our newspaper Red Flag,
read our manifesto Mobilize the Masses for Communism
(MMC), and accept communist revolution
as our only goal.
Building the International Communist Workers'
Party is our duty and commitment to building a
communist world. We learn from our huge successes
and our painful defeats. We will not fail
those comrades who have died and those who
continue to struggle on all fronts and battlefields
for the red morning when the sun will shine on
our Communist flag forever hoisted with pride..
"There is no greater honor or pride in the world
for the human being than to live and die for Communist
Join the International Communist Workers'
Party. Let's fight, Together and Organized, for
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