What messages are sent by Ironman III?
Subtle references to world war in movies are
more intense and frequent. We must learn to see
through this propaganda to shield ourselves from
this media bombardment by the bosses. We do
this through discussions with our comrades,
friends, family, coworkers, and strangers.
The more we discuss communist ideas and the
contradictions we see in capitalist society, the less
this media onslaught through movies like Ironman
will influence us to accept to the bosses' demands
to shed our sweat and blood in their
factories, fields, and wars. When we conclude
that the bosses' interests are not our own, we can
begin the fight for communist revolution to provide
for our interests—the working classes'
In Ironman III, "The Mandarin" is a terrorist
created by a powerful capitalist. The Mandarin is
the comic-book archenemy of Ironman. The
Mandarin's character was born and based out of
China. He is a descendant of Genghis Khan, who
controlled most of Eurasia through imperialist
conquest. The Ironman III plot not-so-subtly pits
bosses of China (The Mandarin/Mongols) against
the US bosses (Stark/US military).
Ironman III's robots include the red, white and
blue "Iron Patriot." The use of robots is a reference
to the US use of robots in its eventual war
against China. The real-life US has a relatively
small population (1/4 China's) and military (1/2
China's) compared to China. The US has started
creating a robot army and will likely use it to outcompete
We need to watch and understand the politics
of the world's bosses. We need to read, write, and
distribute Red Flag to develop our communist
critique and analysis so one day SOON we will
take control and live in a communist system!
—Red critic
The Purging of Capitalists' Ideas
In 2020, in this movie, America has become a
"utopian" society where crime, poverty, and unemployment
rates are zero. This is thanks to the
government's decision to legalize murder and
crime one night a year for 12 hours. These events
are known as "the purge."
In the movie, capitalist scientists believe that
all humans are born with evil and the intent to
kill. As they put it, one night to "release the
beast" brings order to American society. As the
movie progresses, you learn that society has no
issues because working and poverty-stricken people
are constant targets during these events.
This allegorical film is meant to show antiworking
class imagery, where working class citizens
are in a state of fear of government abuse
of power. We workers of the world need to purge
ourselves of these capitalist images and mobilize
for a communist world where we workers take
charge and the bosses' nightmares are finally realized.
Stay tuned...
In future issues we will be discussing
To join study groups that will begin discussing
this topic contact us at
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3175 S. Hoover St.
Los Angeles, CA 90007
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