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International Communist Workers Party

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American Federation of Teachers Convention:

Workers Need Communism, Not "Social Movement Unionism"


LOS ANGELES, July 14—"What's the main problem at your school?" an AFT workshop leader asked.  "The crisis of global capitalism, which makes it impossible for our students to live in the old way," responded a teacher, unexpectedly.

This same crisis makes it impossible for trade unions and capitalists to function in the old way. 

"You are doing very good work," said a teacher.

Convention delegates warmly welcomed Red Flag.  Over 800 (nearly 25%) took our newspaper and "Communist Education" pamphlets and 1000 took leaflets.

On the second day, dozens said they'd read "Communist Education" and agreed with its main points.  "Very impressive!" one remarked. 


"I loved your paper.  Read it cover to cover last night.  I'm a communist at heart," another said.

Several promised to use our literature in classrooms.  Many asked serious questions about our Party's line and practice. 

This work strengthened our confidence that masses of workers, soldiers, students and teachers will make communist ideas their own.

This convention differed markedly from past ones.  The theme "Reclaiming the Promise" wasn't "empty words," as some complained, nor even a call for "the good old days" that never existed.  "Not as it is today or as it has been in the past, but as it can be," the slogan continued.  Instead of "fighting back," the AFT calls for "fighting forward."

Fighting for what?

"To move the country in a new direction," said AFT president Randi Weingarten.  For an "enduring and unifying vision of America."    To fulfill "public education's purpose as a propeller of our economy and an anchor of our democracy."   

But it's not "our" economy – it's the capitalists' economy that enslaves us!  We workers have no country – it's the capitalists' country.  It's not "our democracy" –capitalists' democracy is their dictatorship over the masses.

AFT "mobilizes against extremism"

At a "Public Education:  Not for Sale" seminar, AFT spokesman Leo Casey attacked the privatization of schools as an "onslaught against democracy." 

Casey argued that the Koch brothers, Walmart, etc. back school privatization at the expense of what he called "the public good."   By that he meant "enculturation" (into a capitalist world-view), "socialization" (training docile future workers), and "citizenship" (patriotism and voting instead of class-consciousness and rebellion).

Featured speaker Rev. William Barber emphasized that "we are one nation." The AFT endorsed his call for a week of protests "against extremism" (August 21-28) to "mobilize AND VOTE" for "the soul of the nation."

Red Flag readers should bring to these actions a sharp attack on this patriotism/nationalism which will help US capitalists mobilize for imperialist war up to and including World War III. 

Only a communist outlook points the way forward for our class

Union activists from Chicago and San Francisco organized a panel on "Social Movement Unionism" based on reform struggles they had led.  National AFT leadership added its own people to the panel, packed the house, and bragged about the event afterward.

Some think this proves that the AFT's new strategy is mainly the leadership's cynical attempt to maintain credibility with an increasingly activist base. 

But, as comrades explained, AFT leaders are sincerely trying to mobilize masses — to help the main section of the imperialist ruling class defeat "Tea Party" Republicans who are impeding their preparations for World War III.

"They never mention class struggle"

On the convention's eve, a million teachers and other public workers shook Britain with a one-day strike against "austerity" policies.  As in the US, teachers demanded the Education Secretary's resignation.  Did AFT leaders mention this at the convention?  Or organize solidarity of the 1.6 million public workers it represents?   Hell, no! 

Instead they promoted patriotic class collaboration via video messages from Michelle Obama, Bill Clinton, and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. 

 "They never mention class struggle," remarked a new college-teacher friend. 

Class struggle doesn't mean forming alliances for reforms or negotiating with union officials to pass resolutions.  It means fighting to the death against capitalism and capitalist ideas.  It means educating ourselves and the masses now so we can win power through revolution and then organize all of society to meet our collective needs. 

Join the class struggle!  Join ICWP!

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