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International Communist Workers Party

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Los Angeles:

Communist Revolution Will End Capitalist Chess Game That Uses Child Refugees as Pawns


LOS ANGELES, August 1—A few days ago the first airplane to Honduras left, deporting 18 mothers, 13 girls and 9 boys. The Obama administration is sending the message that no more immigrant children will be allowed to come to the US. Apart from that, the US government gave money to the Central American governments to put up military checkpoints and to keep mothers with children from leaving these countries.

But this does not end the need for family unification or emigration. The rulers will not resolve the problem. The capitalists' politicians like Obama and the Presidents of Central America, are the problem. They are responsible for the poverty and violence there. They exist to defend the profit system, the capitalist system, not to create decent living conditions for the workers and their families.

We workers do not migrate for an American dream; what moves us is the need to survive in this world of capitalist competition for markets. The dream ends up as a nightmare, when the years go by and we see that we were forced to abandon our families, to continue being wage slaves of other bosses. This is the border: the face of the boss is different, but dependence on a wage is the same in any part of the world.

Immigrant Children: Pawns in a Game Between Democrat and Republican Bosses

The Republican Governor of Texas, Rick Perry, gave the order to send 1,000 National Guard soldiers to patrol the border. The hysteria against the immigrant children is being used as a political campaign. Adam Kwasman, a member of the Tea Party who is running for political office, organized the harassment of a school bus full of children who were going to YMCA camp in Marana, Arizona, thinking that they were undocumented.

Los Angeles July 24-- protestors denouncing obama's deportations and support for Israeli genocide in Gaza eagerly took Red Flag.

Others, like Democrat Eric Garcetti, the Mayor of Los Angeles, are posing as the good guys. Garcetti announced that he will accept children detained by the border patrol and sent to detention centers. This is propaganda to win followers, another side of the political game. These Democrats, like Obama, are more dangerous since they pass as our friends, when they are really enemies of all workers and are defenders of the bosses' system of exploitation.

According to those close to the Obama administration, the President plans to act before November to give work permits, possibly to 9 million workers. The dominant liberal wing of the ruling class is getting their ducks in line for  their big game based on their need to pass Immigration Reform. They plan to do this even if they will have to confront a group of conservative Republicans who are threatening to impeach President Obama.

Through Immigration Reform, the bosses' group that defends Obama plans to build patriotism and nationalism to win the workers to serve as slave labor in the factories and the youth to join the army and die for the bosses' profits.

To Win a World Without Borders, We Need a Communist Revolution

As long as capitalism exists, the working class will continue to be oppressed by the existence of borders and those who defend them in the interests of a few rich oppressors. Only the workers organized in a communist party, ICWP,  will have the hope of realizing the dream of the whole working class: organizing a communist revolution, where we can live in a world where no human being takes personal advantage of another human and the fruits of our labor will be for us all.

We workers will have red areas where communism is working and preparing to advance the world over, where all will be welcome. Let's fight for a communist world without borders and bosses. Join ICWP.


U.S. Imperialism Created Gangs and Exploitation in Central America

"Central America is the most important region for the United States," Jeane Kirkpatrick, US ambassador to the UN, said in 1981. Even though this reality has changed, the legacy of US domination in Central America is suffered day after day. The end of this suffering will be the beginning of a communist revolution.

Three of the top four countries with the highest homicide rate are in Central America. In Guatemala, the condition in the rural areas has led thousands of farm workers to mobilize protests in the capital. El Salvador is living through a crisis of violence, the development of the organized crime. Honduras is considered the most violent country in Latin America today. It is not by chance that those are the countries with the highest numbers of children migrating to the United States in recent months.

Gangs, murders, drug traffic, poverty, exploitation, and hence, migration, are common problems in Central America now, but this has its roots in past decades.

As part of the fight for territory and in the context of the Cold War, the US bosses carried out political, military, and economic actions in Central America. In Guatemala, on June 27, 1954, the CIA, responding to United Fruit Company interests, overthrew Jacobo Arbenz Guzman. In Panama, from 1860 through 1989 there were thirteen military interventions by the U.S. Army. After the overthrow of Somoza in Nicaragua, the US supported the "contras" and all types of sabotage against the new capitalist Sandinista government. In El Salvador, the US financed the Salvadoran government's fight against the FMLN with $2 million a day.

When the imperialists see their interests at risk, they sharpen their attacks, a practice that occurred in past centuries in Central America, leaving hunger, poverty and violence. The industrial workers, soldiers and farm workers are the ones who have the power to convert this imperialist struggle into a class struggle for communism, led by the International Communist Workers' Party and Red Flag.

During the period of conflicts in the region and after the Cold War came the dismantling of the productive apparatus (agriculture, textile manufacturing among others) in Central America. These are important factors that caused hunger and poverty, because of which thousands migrated to the US.

This is where the birth of the gangs starts. Gangs operating in Central America today were created in the U.S. to defend Central American youth from the attacks by other street gangs. In spite of the fact that the US intervention was a fundamental cause of the massive immigration, of creating poverty conditions and violent societies in those countries, the US deported the gang members and avoided the results of their actions, that years later, would bring death to thousands of Central Americans. The ones who pay for the results of the capitalists' agenda are us workers, with exploitation, hunger and death. We must put an end to the horror without end, we must mobilize for communism.

Right now, children are trying to cross the border looking for the false "American Dream." Meanwhile, Obama and his government again avoid their responsibility by deporting those ones who are fleeing the problems that capitalism has created.

We must realize that no government or reform can truly solve the problems of crime in Central America. It's part of the same structural problems of the capitalist system: money, hunger and poverty. The way to end all these problems is the mobilization of millions of men and women organized in the International Communist Workers' Party to fight for the Communist Revolution that marks the end of the capitalist system. Backed by a new educational system based on inclusion, equity, technological development, environmental protection and respect for human life that generates a new morality and true human values, we ​​will put an end to years of exploitation and violence engendered by bosses.

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