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International Communist Workers Party | |
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“Send me 20, no, 50 Red Flags”
Greetings comrades! I got the dialectical materialism articles and I have started reading them. Will keep in touch and give you feedback. I have been reading Red Flag....Revolution is the only solution!
I am very inspired by what ICWP stands for and I hope it can only grow stronger from here and expand to far corners that are in much need of such ideals, because I believe there are still many like us out there we need to reach out to and make aware of ICWP and its mission!
You can count on me. Send 20 copies of RF.
Two days later:
I just read the letter by the farmworker comrade. Very inspiring indeed and it’s sad to know that some people are not willing to stand up just because of fear and lack of information. ICWP really needs to reach out to these souls and educate them. Thus they can be well equipped to stand up and fight against the dreaded Capitalist system that’s killing our people...while the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer with no voice. Let’s make ICWP the voice of the people!
Please send me Red Flag as soon as possible. I requested 20 but I think you can give me 50...so that the ones I give it to, I will tell them to also to recruit and send to people at their workplace. Each person I mobilise I will request for each of them to mobilise just as much.
—Young comrade
Mobilize the masses all over the world as quickly as
I recently read an article by a ninety-year-old ICWP member. I was heartbroken when he mentioned a worker who received a blow on the head as a result of a defective tool. I was sad when I read that the worker spent the rest of his life suffering till he died.
There are many such incidents all over the world. Another worker came back from work after long hours, got to his bed, and never woke up. He died. All these cases are part and parcel of this worldwide capitalist system which must be killed by all means necessary. Capitalism doesn’t care at all about the lives and safety of the workers; it only cares about its production and maximising profit.
Capitalism, labour exploitation, death and injuries of hard-working labour must end. Join the ICWP, fight for communism! Let’s put an end to this heartless and cruel system to workers, the time to destroy capitalism and its tools is now!!!! I wish we can mobilise masses all over the world as quickly as possible. This is urgent, comrades; it’s long overdue.
—Proud Comrade
Inspired by farmworker comrade’s wise letter
I found the letter written by a farmworker comrade therapeutic. It tells of the suffering
experienced by wage slaves worldwide. But what is striking is its ability to lift one’s spirit up. It is not about doom and gloom. The writer poignantly points out the correct revolutionary communist line: building our party, the ICWP as the only viable alternative for the workers of the world.
The letter resonated with the hardships experienced by expelled workers at the Port Elizabeth harbour. We want to keep contact with these workers and join them to our party. The farmworker comrade is spurring us on to continue to build workers’ power to crush the bosses’ tyranny all over the world. He enjoins us to be confident and without fear look the bosses in the eye and demand what is ours, the fruits of our labour that the bosses expropriate for themselves. He detests the anti-communist beliefs peddled by the bosses as lies meant only to sow divisions and weaken the working class.
He shows in a very simple way, how workers anywhere in the world are treated the same. The phenomenon of labour brokers is happening everywhere in different shapes and disguises. Were it not for this comrade’s letter, I would be drowning in miseries. Let us therefore heed the comrade’s advice, defeat the bosses’ system all over the world and build a system of production based on need not profit. Viva ICWP Viva!
—Comrade in South Africa
Communism All Day, Every Day
A good friend started giving me Red Flag. I had been organizing a group of 20 workers. When my friend told me about communism, we had the same goals. So I decided to join ICWP.
The time to preach has been much exhausted, comrades, now is the time to practice and promote what we believe in - Now is the time for Communism!
It’s time we included communism in everything we do. It’s time we integrated communism in our daily lives and core beliefs so it’s visible in our fight against Capitalism.
Capitalism is pandemic because communism has never really been given a chance. Capitalism is a ruthless beast that eats us alive. Capitalism has everyone and everything working around the clock to feed it by any means necessary.
The flip side reveals that some of us only take up communism as a hobby or to trigger engagement on issues which we will soon forget. When we neglect communism as an occasional issue it stands no chance. We might as well fold and call it a day.
Comrades, I’m being a realist. We can’t work on something for 2 hours or 2 days and expect positive results. We can’t go to work Monday to Friday working and feeding the capitalist system, and then spend a few weekend hours just talking about communism and expect it to grow against capitalism, whilst we put in much work on capitalism in almost everything we do. It’s like having two babies and every time it’s
feeding time you lock one up in a room and expect it to grow as strong as the other which is fed daily. Chances are the one locked up will turn up weak or dead.
So my plea is that we need to be more about communism than we talk about. We need to come up with innovative ways collectively
within the movement to empower ourselves so that we won’t need to rely on the capitalist system that we are opposing. That will always come at a price that will hurt our ultimate goal, which is Communism for All...All day every day!
—New comrade in South Africa
Don’t Fall for the Bosses’ Game
Recently in an MTA (Public Transport Agency) garage, a series of incidents have occurred involving our working-class brothers and sisters fighting amongst each other. In some cases, some workers have reported other workers to the general supervisor. From a communist perspective, this type of things can be resolved among our own selves.
When we fall for the bosses’ game of blaming each other, we are weakening our strength as a collective and giving more power to the boss to justify the attacks that are taking place, such as the ban on phone use in work areas.
A brake mechanic made a true statement when he said: “These guys want to fire each other on their own,” referring to the latest incident between two workers in charge of an area.
All this division between us is the result of the lack of understanding of communist revolutionary ideas.
The history of the working class is the history of class struggle and when workers as a revolutionary class have united they have been capable of great achievements and advances.
By fighting, betraying or attacking each other, we make ourselves weak and easy prey for the bosses, especially now that we are at the
threshold of a World War III, in which we will supply the corpses and the rich will keep the conquered wealth.
The political understanding we need is in Red Flag and ICWP study groups. Let’s not ignore or underestimate the power of communist ideology. It is the ideology of the working class.
--MTA mechanic
Red Flag helps us understand revolutionary process
Yesterday I attended a meeting organised by Numsa. I left feeling dejected. What lifted my spirit was the recent Red Flag. I perused the article on MTA Workers’ Historic Task: Mobilize for Communism. “How do we organize this mass sentiment into a material force capable of changing history and the world we live in?”
I found this an apt description of our revolutionary work. I haven’t finished reading the article but already I feel rejuvenated and ready to tackle any obstacle. This shows how the Red Flag is key to our organizing and it illustrates dialectical materialism – likeness and differences. The workers in LA and South Africa have more in common than differences. But the capitalist bosses make the superficial differences to divide us. The Red Flag is our biggest weapon. We must read, write and distribute it.
--A comrade of a thousand struggles
With all my energy, you can count on me.
Thank you, comrades. You truly stand for communism; you breathe communism, you practice communism, you live communism, you are communism. I learnt whole lot from you and communism.
Mobilising masses for communism must be in the air we breathe and talk about it where-ever we are. Mobilising for ICWP to me is no longer just a responsibility; it’s what I love to do. Soon we will meet the members of AYA who are now ICWP members.
Since the international ICWP meeting I feel very confident. I am able to answer questions about capitalism and why communism is the only solution. Yesterday I gave some ICWP t-shirts to comrades J and V. Comrade J is so clear about communism that he is helping me become a better organizer. I will emphasize that he write for RF.
--Young Lion Comrade
Obama & Kerry on Propaganda Campaign in the Middle East
Obama’s speech on the eve of September 11, and US Secretary of State Kerry’s whirlwind tour of Middle East capitals trumpeted US resolve to take on ISIS. The chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Dempsey, even told Congress on September 16 that he was open to sending US troops back to Iraq.
The mass media from the US to Europe to Japan have barraged the world with this imperialist propaganda, stressing Kerry’s presence at a Paris conference called by the Presidents of France and Iraq.
The fact is that the US has lost the initiative in Middle East. The only significant forces in Iraq and Syria are allied with Iran, which is allied with rising imperialists Russia and China. The most active fighters against ISIS are the Iraqi Shiite militias and the Syrian government, both bankrolled by Iran. Russia and China were also represented at the Paris conference.
The US poses as the leader of an anti-ISIS “coalition of the willing,” but it has few reliable allies in the region. After more than ten years of US war and occupation in Iraq, the US has destabilized the region and strengthened both Sunni extremists and Iranian-backed militias.
On September 16, the US had to call in air-strikes fifteen miles from the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, where Shiite militias and the Iraqi Army were under attack by ISIS forces. These are the same Shiite militias that killed the last US soldier who died before US troops were withdrawn in 2011. Although the US airstrikes supported them tactically, these militias refuse to fight on the US side.
Saudi Arabia finally decided that ISIS threatens its legitimacy as the representative of conservative Sunni Islam and has agreed to train a third force of “moderates” in Syria. But other governments in the region don’t trust the “moderate” Free Syrian Army, whose record does not inspire confidence. It’s clear that weapons given to any of the dozens of armed factions could well end up in the hands of ISIS.
So Kerry’s round-the-world talkfest and the US bombing campaign are attempts to regain the appearance of leadership in the Middle East, while the US is actually being marginalized. This PR campaign targets both international and domestic audiences.
Internationally, while the US policy is to de-stabilize the region, a rout in Iraq would be a huge blow to US prestige. If you’re totally humiliated, it’s hard to find allies. This has to worry US rulers who anticipate fighting China in the next world war.
The US rulers must also worry about workers at home, who are sick of imperialist wars. What can they say to the 2.5 million US veterans who came home from Iraq and Afghanistan? To hundreds of thousands of relatives and friends of the ones who didn’t come home? And especially to the young people who they’ll count on to fight the next war?
Here’s what we say: soldiers, workers and youth must mobilize the masses to prepare to turn the next imperialist war into communist revolution.
—History Student