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International Communist Workers Party

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Dinner Advances the Building of Communism


In late September, in the center of Mexico, five ICWP comrades organized a dinner meeting for our friends who are Red Flag readers. A total of 13 people came to the meeting. The goal of the meal was for comrades to get to know the friends with whom each of us has worked separately. After the meal, we told our friends that we wanted them to get to know us as people and to learn more about our communist ideas. A comrade talked to them about ICWP's goal, and we invited them to continue to read Red Flag and help us spread it to their friends.
A friend, who has read Red Flag for several years but hasn't joined the Party, said that she would continue to read Red Flag and come to meetings because the comrades that she knows best are serious in their work and carry out communist practices in one way or another. She said that we are in the capitalist system and reproduce capitalist ways of acting, but that if we want to change the system, we must act like communists.
Another friend said that in his experience of living in the US he could verify that the communist comrades are truly different. A communist family opened the doors of their home without knowing him and without him even being in the Party. They sheltered him and treated him like a son. This experience has made him advance his understanding of how communism will be in the future.
Other friends commented that some articles in Red Flag do not easily convey the Party's ideas because they seem to be written only for the Party members. We told them that we are concerned that the paper clearly reflect the line of the Party, and that they can help make it more understandable and enjoyable by writing for it. Red Flag is the newspaper of the working class, and it inspires us when we read letters from friends and new comrades and know that our party is growing in other parts of the world. At the end of the meeting I apologized to a friend because the meeting lasted longer than planned and he couldn't play in a soccer semifinal.
He said, "Don't worry. Communism is more important." I answered, "Then we are advancing in the understanding of communism for our class."
All the participants agreed on the next date for a study group about production in capitalism and in communism. We comrades of ICWP in Mexico are advancing in building the Party.

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