Fight for a Communist World!

Celebrate May Day 2018 by Joining the International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP)

India (article here)

El Salvador (article here)

The ICWP mobilizes for communism – a classless society without money, private property or the wage system. In communism, all – of every age and gender, every “race” and birthplace – will work collectively to supply all our needs.

We will all work as we are willing and able. We will share the fruits of our labor according to need. The masses, organized as the communist party, will make all decisions based on what’s best for us all.

Communism will end war and exploitation, crime and violence, wealth and poverty, racism and sexism, nations and borders.

The Paris Commune of 1871 showed that workers could take power. The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 showed they could use that power to transform society. The Chinese Cultural Revolution in the 1960s showed that masses hungered for real communism.

You can’t change the world alone. But we can succeed together.

For this we need a mass party – the International Communist Workers’ Party – of millions. We need you and everyone you know who wants to end capitalism’s increasingly destructive horrors.

Everywhere there is a vast potential to recruit communists and build communist collectives. Red Flag is already read in over forty countries on five continents.

It unites aerospace workers in the US and Brazil; garment workers in Bangladesh and El Salvador; students in Mexico and South Africa; anti-racist youth in the US and India; construction workers in Qatar, transit workers in the US, miners in South Africa and many more.

The ICWP builds on the communist history of our class, but we are a party of a new type. We mobilize for communism and nothing less. Not reforms, national liberation, democracy, or socialism. These all maintain capitalism’s wage system and commodity production. Socialism is state capitalism.

Winning communism will take armed revolution and more. It will take masses uniting to figure out how to make communist society work. That starts now!

How will communist production work? Healthcare? Education? Sports, recreation, arts and culture?

How will communism transform personal relationships and everyday life?

How will we end racism, sexism and xenophobia?

How will we win soldiers and sailors to turn imperialist wars into communist revolution?

A communist vision will motivate millions but it won’t arise spontaneously. It requires that communists build close personal ties with many people and interact with many more.

   The ICWP fights to activate the initiative, creativity, confidence and leadership of the working class now —and always. Industrial workers, soldiers and sailors are key to mobilizing the broader masses for every communist advance.

To build the world you want, you need to join or organize a communist collective linked globally into one unified mass party—ICWP.

The Party today is organized in line with our communist goal. We want you to join if you share that goal. We don’t have “stars” or “experts.”   We all have questions. We will answer them together as we carry out the struggle.

Communist collectives meet regularly to make and carry out plans. They distribute and write for Red Flag and use it to struggle for a communist political line.

We rely on a process of criticism and self-criticism to keep ourselves on the communist road. Joining the Party means we are committed to building these collectives.

Party decisions are made after the fullest possible discussion in the collectives. We agree to carry them out, even when we disagree, so we can collectively evaluate the results. We can succeed together!

We invite you to celebrate May Day 2018 by joining the International Communist Workers’ Party!

Commune (here)    South Africa (here)

France (here)     Mexico (here)

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