El Salvador: ICWP Growing as Workers prepare for International Communist Conference

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Workers Organized in Struggle for Communist Revolution: ICWP’s Growth is Unstoppable

EL SALVADOR, November 24 — “I’m worried about my daughter’s future. She is going to suffer in this unjust system. But only we can make the change,” said D, a garment worker who attended the extended ICWP meeting for the first time, accompanied by his daughter.

This comment was in the current context of war and genocide that is unfolding in Ukraine, Gaza, and on other fronts. This is why millions of workers around the world are mobilizing, rejecting these massacres.

This weekend we held a meeting of the International Communist Workers’ Party. It was organized to prepare for an upcoming international conference that will help build a mass worldwide party.

Dozens of workers attended with their families. They brought their ideas to continue fighting for communism inside and outside the factories. They made correct and sharp criticisms of the rotten capitalist system and spoke about the need to recruit more workers to build the Party.

Workers in ICWP Organize against Fascism

J asked, “Is Trump going to continue funding the war, because he said he would stop the war?”

“A candidate’s campaign speech is one thing, and the president-elect’s speech is another. But under capitalism it is an illusion to think that war will end. Only communism will end wars,” replied a comrade.

Trump, in his first term, approved sending the first missiles to Ukraine. There is a lot at stake: resources, territories, and profits. This makes it in the interest of the economic elites to continue the conflicts.

We observe the inter-imperialist struggle between NATO and the BRICS. Seeing the transition from a unipolar world, controlled by the US, to a multipolar one sponsored by China and Russia. But no empire falls peacefully.

“We communists organized in ICWP must prepare to take out the bosses. They are at war against the working class. We must organize workers and soldiers to take them on and win,” concluded a comrade war veteran.

“In the midst of the genocide in Gaza, China has continued to do business with Israel. This is the essence of capitalism: profit,” explained an ICWP comrade.

Under capitalism, nothing will happen that benefits the working class. Tens of thousands have died, mostly civilians, 44% of them children, under indiscriminate Israeli missile attacks on Gaza, financed by the imperialists.

We Will Win! The Red Flag Will Fly All Over the World!

P pointed out that “We are part of the masses and as workers we are organizing to destroy this system. We are fighting for Communism.

“This weekend there are many comrades working in the factory,” he continued, “because the boss needs production to make more profit. A group of workers are hired to work eight hours, but they are forced to work longer hours. Our struggle will put an end to this exploitation. In communism, we will work not for a wage, but for what humanity needs.

“We are clear,” the comrade went on, “that the union struggle goes for reforms. We are going for real change, revolution. We are building a Party with the vision of a new world for our class. We carry out intense work.

“Understanding the line of the Party through Red Flag is a process, because we have new comrades here, whom we welcome. We fight for Communism, a society without money, which is the material basis of inequality,” he concluded.

At the International Conference, the participation of urban workers, rural workers, young students, and comrades in struggle will be key to developing and strengthening ICWP’s political organization. We invite all who attend to actively participate.

ICWP’s Communist Family Is Growing

We ended with a celebration for two workers who will soon be mothers, to welcome new members of their families and of our Communist family.

“In the Party we show and feel the unity that we have. Thank you for the gifts for my daughter. My family accompanied me as well, I have started to talk to them about ICWP. This meeting will help them learn more. Always in the struggle comrades!” concluded M, a young Party leader.

See you in Red Flag and at the ICWP International Conference.

Long live Communism!

Comradely Unity, Collective Struggle, and Communist Consciousness

Our extended meeting always entails sharing much knowledge and political development. We strengthen communist social relations among all the comrades.

Afterwards, our reading group discussed our Red Flag newspaper. We analyzed our comrades’ comments and experiences. This led us to reflect, “We live in difficult times. Here the basic food basket is sky-high, housing prices are exorbitant. It’s impossible to subsist on miserable wages. Money is a necessary evil under this capitalist system of slavery,” said C.

“We must root out the rotten wage system. Living under communism is the only solution,” replied J. “The only future for the working class is to fight for communism.”

“Many friends and family have had to emigrate looking for solutions to half subsist, having to abandon their families, creating family disintegration and abandonment,” said D. “I am very concerned about my family with this last election. We know how racist, xenophobic, and misogynist Trump is. I remember the immigration raids he ordered in his first term, making life impossible for our class siblings.”

We know that capitalists use manipulation strategies, taking advantage of political and economic instability. They subjugate us with their imperialist wars, which only bring death and destruction. The high cost of living helps them amass their wealth. The global capitalist crisis caused this increase in migration.

All capitalists are evil. There are no “lesser evils.” They always continue with the chain of exploitation, discrimination, and slavery. But we, the working class, are like rock. Our spirit of struggle and revolution is decisive.

The capitalists say that it is they with their investments who produce wealth. However, organized workers could continue to produce without them. On the contrary, it is impossible for bosses to produce without workers. Throughout history we have known this. A clear example was the Covid 19 pandemic. Without the workers, the economy stopped.

The capitalists need us. We are the labor force for all their factories, for producing food, and for producing weapons and fighting their wars. Many immigrants are used in the front line of imperialist armies as cannon fodder to fight the capitalists’ wars for profit.

We must strengthen the struggle against fear. Only with the anger of the working class will we end capitalism-imperialism. We must have communist class consciousness. Comradely unity and collective struggle are the best way to fight as a working class for a world without walls or borders, without the need to disintegrate families to have a dignified life.

It is our commitment and constant struggle to step up the distribution of Red Flag newspaper and our pamphlet “Fight for the Day When No Worker Will Be Called Foreigner.” So that we can build together a new world without borders, without wage slavery, without racism or xenophobia.

Our struggle must be organized with communist ideology, mobilizing massively in the ICWP. We will continue with our reading groups and with our communist work.

Workers of the world, unite for communist revolution!

—Comrade readers in El Salvador

Communism Will Use Natural Wealth for the Masses’ Needs, Not Profit

“We, the working class, are the only ones who can make a difference. We are the majority and united we can end this oppressive and murderous system of slavery,” said D. “In our meetings, we have discussed Red Flag. We concluded that the need to organize with more commitment is and revolutionary struggle is urgent.”

A commented, “Look at the hypocrisy of the government of El Salvador! Fascist capitalist Bukele has mentioned that we have natural wealth due to our location in the so-called Ring of Fire, which must be taken advantage of by reversing the ban on mining to supposedly “create thousands of quality jobs and boost the development of local economies.”

As we know, what Bukele is really talking about is that the capitalists’ thirst for profits and the desire to magnify their bags of gold make them plot together. The danger is growing for all the residents who live where there is gold, silver, and other metals.

The International Communist Workers’ Party fights to eliminate everything that capitalism has created. We do not want a change of the President or any other politician, nor any reform.

“Of course, we know that none of them are lesser evils. All capitalist rulers, no matter who, seek to become maximum powers and be the most commercially powerful. Hence all these imperialist wars that we are suffering, so much genocide. And it leaves us to reflect: How much is the life of the working-class worth?” J said.

We all concluded that both workers and soldiers, all our class siblings, are oppressed slaves, exploited and turned into cannon fodder for the capitalists’ profits under this capitalist system.

In Red Flag letters and articles, we see how our comrades in South Africa expose how the miners risk their lives every day and the conditions in which they live. They inspire us with their struggles to unify and fight against all this injustice. This encourages us to resist and fight back.

We workers know that capitalism will not stop exploiting these miners and the mines, which sicken and kill with the contamination of their waters. We need to fight for communism, where we will use the resources that are needed only to improve the lives of the workers, not to enrich any exploiter.

The whole working class can unite and fight massively with ICWP to end capitalist exploitation. To eradicate it definitively and build communism. Join our ICWP party, help distribute Red Flag. Let’s organize for communism!

—Comrade readers in El Salvador

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