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FIGHT FOR COMMUNISM!International Communist Workers Party |
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Revolutionary greetings. Things are heating up in
South Africa. The NUMSA (National Union of Metalworkers
of South Africa) leadership has decided to
launch a political party fighting for socialism and nationalism.
As we have discussed numerous times, this development
comes in the light of the total bankruptcy of
the African National Congress and other political parties.
South Africa has witnessed a series of militant strikes.
Many times workers are armed to fight the whole might
of the state. NUMSA is trying to divert this revolutionary
potential of the workers into reformist, nationalist
dead-end parliamentary democracy where the bosses always
stay on top.
Amidst all this development, we made a contact who
has invited us to meet with a group of workers. Their invitation
is open for us to participate in their preparatory
study groups. This would open up avenues for us to be
directly involved with metalworkers and expose them to
our correct revolutionary line of mobilizing the masses
for communism as opposed to socialism. This would
give us a great opportunity to recruit workers to our
party, the International Communist Workers' Party, for
communist revolution, not capitalist reforms.
Another interesting development is that we will soon
be visiting the mineworkers in Marikana with the purpose
of recruitment and establishing direct contact and
the presence of ICWP among the miners. We are in regular
contact with a miner who distributes Red Flag. He
considers himself a member of ICWP. The miner comrades
are very eagerly waiting for a visit from us. Roar,
hungry lions, roar! Amandla! Forward!
The reason that we must join the International
Communist Workers' Party (ICWP) is that
every day it is harder to live under the capitalist
system. The main reasons that sometimes
keep people from joining are fear and anticommunism.
We have to dispose of doing
everything on our own, of all individualism,
racism, selfishness, and nationalism. Not
doing so will be sufficient cause to abandon all
attempts to join the party, and doom us to perish
under capitalism.
The worker, on joining the party without
doubt will have some confrontation with their
communist way of thinking, against the capitalist
way of thinking, thus establishing an internal
ideological struggle, that is, a struggle
between the two ways of thinking. In this struggle,
without doubt communist ideology will dominate,
and this will keep the worker constant
and active in the struggle for communism.
If on joining the party he or she does not dispose
of anticommunism, then that person is
not sufficiently convinced, they don't have
enough anger to remove all the anticommunist
propaganda from their mind. Anticommunism
and fear are two big obstacles to confronting
capitalism. Because even being a member of
ICWP doesn't conquer anticommunism; they
can't be active as they should, and they could
even leave the Party.
In the agricultural fields, I have known
relatively young workers, my co-workers and
friends, many of whom died as victims of capitalism,
However in life they never decided to
accept communist ideas, only due to their anticommunism
and fear of the bosses.
I knew a worker who received a blow on the
head with a defective tool during work hours.
Because of the blow he spent many years suffering
until he died.
Another worker who worked fumigating the
grapevines without adequate protection was
poisoned and after suffering for several years
he died.
Another worker who picked oranges by contract
fell off a ladder. He fell to the ground and
broke his spine. He spent many years as an
invalid until he recently died.
Another after working a nine hour shift by
contract, got to the place he lived. He lay down
on the bed to rest and he never woke up; he
died there.
None of them received any compensation
that I know of from the bosses. And even
though some of them knew about communist
ideas, because I talked to them about these
ideas, none wanted to accept them, much less
struggle against capitalism that eventually
killed them.
With so much exploitation and so many
workers dead and injured like those mentioned,
do you need something worse to join
ICWP? Come on, come on! Let's get inspired,
raise our heads, and join the Party now; look
the bosses in the eye; show them that we are
not dead nor alone, that we can conquer our
fear and our anticommunism, stand up on our
two legs, organize ourselves, confront them
and defeat them. Because we can organize a
revolution, overthrow their decaying capitalist
system, and establish a communist society.
Read your revolutionary communist newspaper
Red Flag.
--Farmworker member of ICWP
ANGELES, September 4-- "I work for MTA (the Metropolitan Transit Agency),"
explained the Sheriff. "Management is accusing you of trespassing. They don't
want the workers here reading that newspaper," continued this Sheriff as he
harassed two ICWP members distributing Red Flag at Division 18 on
Wednesday, August 27.
all, three Sheriff patrol cars showed up to intimidate and stop ICWP members from
distributing Red Flag. An MTA supervisor came out and threatened
to have them arrested for trespassing. She denied that management doesn't want
MTA workers reading Red Flag. "It is a question of safety," she
have been distributing Red Flag at many MTA Divisions for over
four years and never had a safety incident. We also avoid trespassing on MTA's
"private property" even though it is paid for with our taxes.
acknowledged or not by MTA and the cops, the truth is: MTA and US bosses don't want
MTA drivers, mechanics and service attendants reading Red Flag. Why?
are afraid of the hundreds of MTA workers who regularly read each issue of Red
Flag, especially when the contract is pending and there are rumors of a
possible strike.
economy stands to lose billions in such a strike. But, most important they are
terrified by the thought of MTA workers taking Red Flag's ideas
as their own and organizing a political strike against capitalism and for
know that their fascist contract, which will make their farce of "job security"
an even sicker joke, has many workers fuming. They know workers understand that
it will allow MTA to unleash their reign of terror with impunity. They know
that many understand that workers are nothing but wage slaves under capitalism
and they're looking for ways to break those chains.
MTA sent a letter to all its workers saying they cannot post anything on social
media that reflects "badly" on the company. The threat is clear: "Post anything
we don't like and we will fire you!" Now, they want to make Red Flag
inaccessible to MTA workers, hoping to use their murderous racist cops to
intimidate and terrorize its distributors.
most recent police murders of black and latino young
men from Ferguson to LA to New York have exposed the racist nature of US
capitalism. They also sparked massive demonstrations nationally and a heroic
rebellion in Ferguson. The fascist militarized police could not break the
rebels' fighting spirit. These rebels need communist political guidance to get
off the tread- mill of reformism and the bosses' electoral charade.
of workers like them are simmering with anger and hatred for this racist
capitalist system. Millions are looking for radical alternatives. MTA workers
have a great potential to give leadership to these
workers and youth throughout LA and beyond by organizing a political strike
that points to that alternative: communism.
workers are up to the task
I know people who work at Division 18. Give me more Red Flags to
take to them," responded an MTA driver at Division 7 when told what happened.
Other workers there and at other Divisions responded similarly.
workers are helping defeat the bosses' fascist tactics to stop the circulation
of the working class' communist press. There are many ways to receive and
spread the paper. One is outside the divisions, until the bosses no longer
allow it. Another is to give us
your address to mail it to you. Or get it online. Workers can come up with
other ways and let Red Flag know.
However, as MTA workers and others show
more interest in communism and revolution, the bosses will resort more and more
to fascism. We won't be able to rely on outside or internet
need to build and donate to our own media: Red Flag. To evade the
bosses' fascist tactics and guarantee the survival of ICWP and Red Flag
under any and all conditions, workers must organize clandestine ICWP clubs and Red
Flag distribution networks in all MTA divisions, all work places,
schools, barracks and neighborhoods. Then nothing the bosses do can stop us!