India Train Collision: A Capitalist Disaster

Fight for Communism, Our Only Solution

June 4ā€”A horrific three-train collision in Orissa, India killed over 1000 people. The fascist ruling party BJP manages the official news outlet ANI. It is falsely reporting 288 casualties to the world. Why that number? Because in 1985, 300 people were killed in a train accident. That was the worst tragedy in 50 years. This is much worse.

The BJPā€™s Information Technology cell is spinning this capitalist-created crime to deify Modi.

Over 2000 passengers were traveling in a superfast train at a speed of over 100 kms/hr. People on the ground say more than 1000 were killed. Official reports apparently donā€™t count the masses of riders jammed into the General Coaches.

Indian railways have recently eliminated over 300,000 workers. Locomotive support staff were working shifts of over 12 hours.

The train did not have an anti-collision, anti-derailment system. The Indian government proudly displayed such technology threeĀ monthsĀ ago. It could have prevented the disaster. Railway officials cut costs by refusing to install it. The capitalist profit system is responsible for this accident.

ANI is the same news agency that denied that a Dalit woman was raped in Hathras. That denied thousands of corpses in the Ganges River during the Covid pandemic. That is covering for BJP leader Brij Bhushan Singh, accused of sexual assaults and harassment of women athletes. A few months ago, ANI was busy taking pictures of Modi inaugurating the superspeed train that ended in a horrificĀ tragedy.

The New York Times and other US media parroted the ANI line. Itā€™s no coincidence that Modi is scheduled to address the US Congress to ā€œunderscore the growing importance of the strategic partnership between India and the United States.ā€

Modi showed up at the collision site with his staggeringly costly entourage. The Times of India reported that, last year, 7000 persons from local, state, and national agencies were paid to provide security for Modi. Add to that the cost of stand-by helicopters, secret service providing satellite data, and Air Force aircraft.

We donā€™t know how many people are deployed in Modiā€™s visit to the disaster site, but they are all taking critical resources away from the people who are gravely injured and dying.

ā€œThis is capitalism, it is greed. It is a carnage of horror,ā€ declared a comrade of the International Communist Workersā€™ Party in South Africa. She spoke for many attending a party meeting.

ā€œThe working class in South Africa stands with the masses in India,ā€ she continued. ā€œA Communist society is needed to eliminate accidents. Our heart bleeds with those far away. It could happen to any one of us. Communism means no money, no gangs, no accidents, no insurance, no drugs.ā€

In communist society, no expense or effort will be spared to prevent accidents. Whenever necessary, we will mobilize thousands to help and support those in dire circumstances.

Communist society will run without money, with all production and distribution based on the needs of the masses. No profit-hungry hospitals that thrive on workersā€™ misery! If you need care, the comrade hospital workers will make sure you get it.

Trains in India are packed because masses of workers rely on them to travel long distances from work to home or to visit family. Communism will create safe transportation. And workers will not need to travel long ways to survive.

In communism, capitalist rulers like fascist Modi will not exist. The party will organize masses into communist collectives to make and carry out all decisions. Leaders will be those who serve the masses, not rule them.

Communism is our only solution and that is what we must fight for ā€“ nothing less! Join or form a collective of the International Communist Workersā€™ Party. Contact us with your ideas and questions. Translate this message into any language you know so we can post and share it.

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