Answer Imperialism, Nationalism, and Genocide in Israel/Palestine

In French: Répondre à impérialisme, au nationalisme et au génocide en Israël/Palestine
In Hebrew: השיבו מלחמה נגד האימפריאליזם, הלאומנות, ורצח העם בישראל\פלסטין
In Arabic: الرد علي الأمبريالية والقومية و الإبادة الجماعية في فلسطين اصطفوا عالميا من أجل الشيوعية

Organize Internationally for Communist Revolution

October 11— “Here in Israel/Palestine we have the horrible price of nationalism and its failure to offer anything positive to workers,” said a comrade in Israel. Four of his relatives died in the Hamas assault. “Nationalism leads to slaughter.”

The well-coordinated Hamas attack on twelve Israeli villages took Israel’s intelligence agency by surprise. Hamas soldiers cap­tured sophisticated tanks and paralyzed Israel’s panicked army. Most Hamas forces retreated with hostages for negotiations.

Hamas is no friend of any workers. Iran, Turkey, and Qatar fi­nance its militia, which terrorizes the Gaza working class. Only a small part of the money goes to Gaza’s most impoverished workers.

Hamas invited massive retaliation from the fascist Israeli gov­ernment — and got it. The Israeli air force has conducted genocide, bombing buildings to ruins, and killing terrified adults and children. They have not spared hospitals. Food, electricity, and water were completely cut off. Survivors have nowhere to go. This is a war crime!

Hamas is willing to sacrifice two million Gazans to draw the Is­raeli army, already demoralized, into bloody urban war. It wants to draw Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and Hezbollah in Lebanon into war against Israel. Its main purpose is to neutralize US influence and weaken the Israeli army that serves as the US police force in the region.

Iran, China, Russia Benefit from Genocidal War

Saudi Arabia recently joined the China-led BRICS bloc, another sign of the diminished US role. The US proposed to build a rail sys­tem linking Europe to India via Israel and Saudi Arabia. It was sup­posed to be an alternative to China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Hamas has destroyed that dream. Meanwhile, Iran has signed a huge oil deal with China. Qatar has a lucrative natural gas deal with China.

“I hope this isn’t the start of World War III,” said an Israeli activist in the US. It may well be.

The US imperialists are fighting Russia, China, and their proxies on many fronts. They are using Ukraine in eastern Europe as they use the Israeli rulers in the Middle East. The formidable Chinese military is challenging them in Taiwan.

The main section of the US ruling class wants to step up its sup­port for its Israeli and Ukrainian clients. It’s limited, though, by its unprecedented political disarray. Meanwhile the $$billions spent on growing wars hit US workers, as inflation rises quickly there as well as in Israel.

The desperate, isolated US imperialists are as murderous as Is­raeli capitalists. They aren’t giving up on regaining their former global dominance. From Ukraine to Israel to the Sahel in Africa, Taiwan, and beyond, all imperialists will slaughter endlessly for profit.

“Communism Now”

The alternative is to turn the bosses’ wars on the world’s workers into communist revolution to end the profit system. The Interna­tional Communist Workers’ Party is in the beginning of the pro­tracted process to recruit masses, especially industrial workers, and soldiers, for this fight.

“There are hundreds of thousands of hungry people on the other side of the Gaza border,” said a comrade in Egypt. “They are willing to fight.” We must transform their anger into class war to end capitalism.

“People are sick and tired of this nationalism,” said a comrade in Pakistan. “What we need is communism now.”

“Nobody trusts the Israeli army,” says a comrade in Israel. “That’s why many self-defense groups are formed.” It was obvious when thousands of reservists refused duty. Those groups must learn to defend the international working class by fighting for com­munism.

Comrades in Iran want us to produce Red Flag in Farsi.  These comrades have been reading and discussing Red Flag for years. Other comrades have patiently struggled to help them over­come their former nationalist outlook. We must build more and stronger communist relationships internationally. We must answer the shock and awe of genocide with communist commitment and hope.

Communism: No borders, no nations, no imperialist wars. No wage slavery, profits, or even money. Workers everywhere will pro­duce, share, and distribute what the masses need. That will create a lasting foundation for unity.

Comrades in South Africa are turning their outrage over what’s happening in Palestine into more forceful recruiting to ICWP. We must do that everywhere.

Imperialist War in Gaza:
Masses Need Communist Revolution, Not Racism, Nationalism or Religious Fundamentalism!

Oct. 20—We condemn the bombing of the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital among multiple civilian targets in Gaza by the fas­cist Israeli rulers. We condemn the ongoing genocidal siege policy of cutting off food, water, fuel and power.

Condemnation, however, is not enough. We—the world’s working masses—need to organize a worldwide revolution to bury capitalism, and its horrors, forever.

All capitalists-imperialists are guilty of war crimes against the working class.

During WWII, the US and UK firebombed German cities, reducing 126 to rubble and killing over 800,000 civilians. The US repeated this in Japan, firebombing Tokyo and 60 other cities—killing over 900,000 civilians before dropping two atomic bombs.

German and Japanese fascists committed hideous crimes. The Nazis killed over 6 million Jews. over 28 million Russian civilians and soldiers. The Japanese slaughtered 35 million Chinese workers. The US has continued this tra­dition: From Korea to Vietnam to Iraq to Afghanistan, US bombs have killed millions of civilians.

Now World’s Capitalists-Imperialists Are Threatening World War III

The Israel-Hamas conflict can enflame the Middle East and the whole world. US carrier strike groups are in the area to warn Hezbollah (Lebanon), Iran, and Syria against intervening. Despite this, Hezbollah has shelled Israeli mili­tary targets and has150,000 missiles aimed at Israel.

Like Ukraine, this is a proxy war: US-NATO against Rus­sia-China-Iran–fighting over which imperialist will rule the world. US imperialism has held this position since 1945, based on its control of Middle Eastern oil.

The US, however, is losing its grip on this oil. In 1973, US rulers got Saudi Arabia to sell their oil only in dollars. The whole world followed, making the dollar the world’s pri­mary reserve currency, further securing US world domina­tion.

US imperialists armed Israel and the Shah of Iran to pro­tect this oil. They lost Iran in 1979 when the Shah was over­thrown. Now Saudi Arabia is allying with Russia and China. Saudi oil is beginning to be sold in Chinese yuan. This is the death knell of the petrodollar and US world domination.

Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Fundamentalism: No Solution for Arab Workers

When Egypt’s king was overthrown and a republic de­clared in 1952, a wave of nationalism, anti-monarchism, anti-imperialism, and socialism gripped the Arab masses. Arab monarchs and Western imperialists saw this as a threat. Their response was to spread Wahhabism, Islamic funda­mentalism, through hundreds of Saudi-funded Madrassas (schools), with US support. The Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Osama bin Laden were products of these schools.

In the 1980’s, Hamas was funded by the Saudis, with US and Israeli support, to divide the secular nationalist move­ment fighting for a Palestinian state. But Hamas betrayed its sponsors. It became an Iranian client.

Nationalism has never liberated any worker!

Villages in Southern Palestine were ethnically cleansed by Zionist forces in 1948. Palestinians were corralled into the Gaza strip prison camp, which for 75 years has been carved into ever-shrinking parcels of bombarded and besieged land.

Hamas leaders are capitalists, not revolutionaries. The “Free Palestine” they are fighting for is a capitalist Palestine., where the Palestinian masses will still be racistly exploited, with Hamas’ participation, as wage slaves of the capitalists-imperialists in the China-Russia-Iran bloc.

The working class is one class. Arab and Jewish workers have mobilized together in the past, rejecting nationalism, in the face of attacks from Zionists and Palestinian nationalists.

Arab and Jewish workers, who are all exploited, will unite again, this time for communism!

Nationalism is a capitalist dead-end. This cycle of nation­alist slaughter can only be ended with a communist revolu­tion. Israeli and Arab soldiers, instead of killing each other, must unite against the real enemy: the capitalists and imperi­alists and fight for communism.

The world’s masses must fight to eliminate wage slavery and production for profits, which breed nationalism, racism, sexism, and xenophobia to superexploit and divide us from uniting for revolution. Capitalism’s competition for market share eventually leads to world war. We are witnessing the unfolding of WWIII.

We need and will achieve a communist world where we produce and share only for human need. No racism, sexism, nationalism, money or imperialism.

Let’s build ICWP everywhere, to unite all workers—against all the capitalists and imperialists—and together, we ‘ll win the communist world we deserve! Join us!

International Communist Workers’ Party

(323) 315-8884

This article in leaflet format: here