Fascist Events in Washington, DC, Show the Need for Communist Revolution

The events in Washington, DC, on January 6, 2021 were not an aberration, but a preview of the natural state of capitalism in crisis. Fascism is capitalism in crisis!

It is capitalists ruling with their iron fist – shedding their velvet glove, which they call democracy and use to camouflage their class dictatorship. Fascism is to squash workers’ rebellions against ever worsening living conditions, and to mobilize them and the youth for war against the US rivals for world domination.

For our Party and our class, it means we should not deviate from our goal. Our message should be loud and clear: Only communist revolution can defeat fascism by destroying capitalism and building a classless world without money, profits or markets. A world without racism or borders.

These Events Clarify and Show the Urgency of Building ICWP

Our priority should be building a massive international ICWP to lead the international working class to victory. Red Flag readers should seriously consider joining ICWP and become leaders in this life and death struggle.

Our Party must be able to function under brutal fascism. This means establishing unbreakable communist social relations with family, friends and especially with coworkers in industry and in the army and National Guard. It means building networks to distribute Red Flag from hand to hand to guarantee its circulation when the internet is no longer accessible.

These networks are crucial for recruiting new ICWP members and new Red Flag distributors. They are indispensable in building, consolidating and activating the Party collectives through which we give leadership to the international working class.

The evolving situation shows that we must fight harder to win the youth in our base to join the bosses’ armed forces. Establishing indestructible ties with their fellow soldiers will lead to recruitment and opportunities to massively build ICWP in this crucial sector. They will be the backbone of our Red Army.

Red Army Soldiers Hoist Red Flag in Berlin, 1945

Communist Revolution – Not Electoral Politics – Will Defeat Fascism

The US rulers are divided about when and how to impose full blown fascism. The dominant sector favors winning US workers to fight for multi racial democracy and the rule of law. They portray Xi’s China and Putin’s Russia as authoritarian regimes bent on imposing their system worldwide.

Crucial to their plans is winning Black and Latino workers – potentially the most revolutionary sectors of the US working class – to electoral politics and patriotism. Georgia’s electoral results – where black workers elected two Democratic Senators to give Democrats control of the Senate – is being hailed as a historic event. Likewise, Latinos were praised for aiding Biden’s victory in Arizona.

Fomenting the myth that voting empowers workers, the Sunday Review section of New York Times screamed “Black Power Is Here.”

This is a very dangerous illusion we must combat fiercely. Many communist parties were victims of it. They and our class paid a high price for it. The German Communist Party is an example.

In 1923, Hitler’s Nazi movement was in its infancy. With about 2,000 armed supporters, he staged a failed coup. The German rulers made him a national hero. Thousands, later millions, flocked to his movement.

In 1923, the German Communist Party had about 300,000 members and was supported by more than half of Germany’s population. But, instead of organizing for revolution, its leadership decided that Hitler’s growing fascist movement could be stopped through elections.

They failed miserably. Hitler rose to power in 1933. By 1939 he had executed 70,000 communists and sent 150,000 more to their death in concentration camps. By 1940, the German Communist Party had ceased to exist, WWII was raging and tens of millions – including 6 million Jews, 28 million Russians, and 8 million Germans – were slaughtered.

We won’t make that mistake. The times are full of dangers but also of great opportunities.

The capitalist fascist forces are growing worldwide. We will not despair! Our comrades in India and South Africa are resolutely advancing and growing under fascist attacks. That is our response to fascism: mobilize the masses for communism!

Hundreds of millions of workers are in motion worldwide against capitalism and are open to communist ideas. The times demand of us great confidence in our class. If we patiently and consistently, yet with urgency, build political communist social relationship with the masses, they will fight for and build the communist world that is humanity’s future. Join us! –


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