India: Tremendous Potential for Communist Revolution

1.2 Million Farmers and 250 Million Workers in Struggle

Mass Farmer Protest in Delhi

“Either its Ambani or its 1.2 million farmers camping out in Delhi,” said an angry farmer. Ambani is one of the richest capitalists in the world with $75 billion. The Indian capitalist class wants to convert vast agriculture land that supports 600 million of the world population into large corporate owned farms. And the same capitalist class will create giant supermarkets for maximum profits.

Above all, however, these plans will impoverish hundreds of thousands of small farmers and farm laborers, driving them desperate for work into the cities. There they will compete with other wage workers (the vast majority already casual laborers) in a death dance with hunger.

The “Made in India” campaign of Modi’s government is nothing short of what Marx called primitive accumulation. It will drive millions more to depend on working for wages in order to survive. As such the battle taking place in Northern India cannot be seen as a local struggle. The increasing poverty of the workforce will attract the world’s giant multi-nationals in search more and more profits from cheaper and cheaper labor. A such, it will speed up the immiseration of workers the world over.

Farmers protest cops in Delhi

We need communism to destroy Ambani and his ruling capitalist class who offer nothing to the masses other than grinding wage slavery and death. Over 10,000 farmers committed suicide last year since they could not pay the cost of fuel and fertilizers as the banks were knocking at their doors.

Communism is not only possible, but it is the only solution that can liberate the masses from hunger, horrible living conditions and diseases like coronavirus—all of which that the capitalists use to make maximum profits. In communism there will be no money and no banks to drive workers into the ground. Only the power of the working class will produce and distribute according to our needs. We will all work according to our ability and commitment.

The masses in Delhi are demonstrating unstoppable resolve to fight the bosses. In preparation for millions of farmers surrounding the capital, the bosses created several impenetrable barriers of cement blocks, barbed wire, sand, water cannon, tear gas, and bullets. They also dug trenches as deep as 30 ft to prevent the masses from reaching Delhi.

The united force of the masses overcame the outmatched police and their paramilitary forces. Every roadblock, bridge and highway were cleared amid chilling winter conditions, pepper spray and live bullets. The farmers have amassed six months of supplies to campout for another six months. The power of the masses can be seen as hundreds of thousands of women, men, Muslims, Dalits and Hindus cook to feed millions. No money changes hands as the masses sing, cook and confront the government.

Nasik, near Mumbai

Our small contingent of ICWP members has reached the masses in various freeways. We have learned from last year’s xenophobic laws that targeted Muslim workers. Our comrades distributed Red Flag and our literature to the masses. We are doing this massively now.

The agitating farmers were joined by 250 million workers who stayed away from their job for a day. Our friends in auto and garment organized small contingents to talk about communism. We explained to our friends and supporters that we are not fighting for the breadcrumbs that the trade unions offer. We want to destroy the root of capitalism.

We can fight in a united way by struggling to read and distribute Red Flag to the masses, building networks of readers and distributers that become collectives of ICWP. In this way we will build a mass party of millions worldwide capable of leading masses in armed struggle to vanquish capitalism and to take power and build communism worldwide.

Farmers charge police barricades and fire hoses

Mobilize the Masses for Communism!

The International Communist Worker’s Party

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