Masses Rebel in Ecuador

Rebellions of the Masses in Ecuador Show Potential for Worldwide Communist Revolution. Join ICWP to Help US Make it a Reality!

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In Ecuador the struggle between the working class and capitalist class is boiling over. Ā The enraged masses have paralyzed the main cities, and entire regions, with massive demonstrations and blockage of streets and highways. They are protesting the high fuel prices, the rising high cost of living and a 56% unemployment rate.

In Ecuador – as in Sri Lanka, India, Colombia, Tunisia, Lebanon and other countries- the objective pre-revolutionary conditions exist: the masses canā€™t live in the old way, nor the rulers govern in the old way.

The Ecuadoran masses have been there before. In 2019, they forced the Moreno government to flee the capital when they surrounded the National Assembly building. More frightening to the rulers, and more indicative of a pre-revolutionary situation, was seen military units refusing to attack the masses, attacking the police instead and marching with the masses.

Letā€™s destroy capitalism, not reform it

But the movementā€™s leaders fought only for reforms. Everything went back to ā€œnormalā€ after the rulers made some small concessions. Now, facing a deepening capitalist crisis, the masses are revolting again.

These crises are caused by the capitalistsā€™ need to maximize their profits. The only source of profits is our labor power, which to survive, we sell to them for a salary. This is wage slavery.

Maximizing their profits, means producing the cheapest goods. It means cutting our salaries and benefits, while intensifying our exploitation. It means sinking us into unbearable poverty. Eventually we rebel. Only a communist revolution can end this vicious cycle by destroying capitalism and its wage slavery.

Fascism and War Go Hand in Glove with Capitalism-Imperialism

War is an inevitable result of the capitalistsā€™ competition for maximum profits. Who controls the cheapest natural resources and labor power controls the worldā€™s markets. Who controls the markets controls the world. This capitalist dog fight eventually leads to war like the US-NATO war against Russia in the Ukraine, which threatens to escalate into a nuclear World War III.

War intensifies our suffering. The war in Ukraine has skyrocketed the cost of fuel and that of our basics needs. Our response: more and more violent rebellions. The rulersā€™ response: intensified fascist oppression to prevent or suffocate in blood our rebellions, which they fear as potential grounds for communist revolution.

The International Communist Workersā€™ Party (ICWP) agrees. Missing is the subjective factor: wining the masses worldwide to see communism as the only solution and then to massively join ICWP to fight for communism.

Defeat racism, casteism (India, Sri Lanka), sexism and xenophobia

These poisonous ideologies are capitalist weapons to super-exploit all working women, and in particular, our brothers and sisters of color residing in their countries. They exist also to justify the super-exploitation of the masses in the ā€œthirdā€ world countries of Africa, Asia and America. But most detrimental to us, they divide and blind us from seeing the capitalists as our mortal enemies.

Our enemies are not invincible. They depend on us to run their industries and their cities, and on our class brothers and sisters in their armies to protect and fight for them. We can paralyze the world and soldiers can turn their guns around. Russian workers did it in WWI. Ecuadorian soldiers showed it can be done again.

That is why ICWP organizes in basic industries, in the bosses’ armies and among young people of military age.

Join us to fight directly for communism-democracy, national liberation, socialism- only perpetuates our wage slavery.

Ā”Join ICWP to fight for a world where nothing is bought or sold, especially our labor, where we produce and share everything collectively according to need! Ā”Our fight is for a communist world without borders or nations or capitalists!

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