Coronavirus Pandemic: We Need to End Capitalism Sooner Rather than Later

The Time to Mobilize Masses for Communism Is Now

A garment worker in India said that most of them live in a small room with 10 people sleeping in several shifts and the factory is asking them to keep social distance of 2 meters!

Masses are angry and getting angrier. The capitalist rulers who control the world canā€™t manage even basic measures to protect our health amidst the worsening coronavirus pandemic. No tests. No masks. No ventilators. No preparations for emergency hospitals.

The bossesā€™ ā€œsolutionsā€ are handwashing and ā€œsocial isolation.ā€ These are impossible for more than half of us around the world, especially refugees and the poorest of the poor.

The capitalistsā€™ plans in Italy and elsewhere include letting us die if we are older or have health problems already. If they donā€™t expect to be able to squeeze their profits out of us.

On the other hand, in large factories like Boeing (USA), they expect workers to keep making airplanes even though coronavirus has already hit their co-workers, to try to stem their losses and keep Boeing afloat for their war needs.

This capitalist system must go! We must end it! We need communism, and the sooner the better.

In communist society, workers will be organized to make decisions that will meet the needs of the masses. No bosses, no profits, no borders, no money or markets.

Epidemics are a certainty, especially with the mass poverty, lack of medical care and unsafe agribusiness under capitalism. Only the timing and the size are unknown. Under communism, weā€™d be prepared with stockpiles of emergency supplies. Weā€™d have high-quality health infrastructure in place for everyone. When a crisis hits, weā€™d drop everything to produce whatā€™s most needed. Weā€™d organize to get everyone what they need: protection, health care, food, shelter, social connection, everything.

A huge International Communist Workersā€™ Party ā€“ open to everyone who wants to join ā€“ would mobilize masses to do all this. Nobody would pay for anything.

Fighting an epidemic or pandemic like coronavirus would still involve big disruptions, but not living on the street and going hungry. People will be willing to make the needed sacrifices if they know that society has their backs.

In contrast, the capitalists are mobilizing their state to impose curfews, quarantines and martial law. They are spreading racism, xenophobia and panic. They are rightfully afraid that the masses will resist them.

Masses are already resisting! In Chennai, India five thousand workers defied government warnings not to demonstrate. They refused to give up the struggle against the fascist citizenship laws there.Ā Ā  In Detroit, USA, bus drivers went out on strike demanding safety equipment ā€“ and won.

Masses are showing the solidarity we need to fight for and win communist society. In Spain and Italy, apartment dwellers sing together from their balconies every night. In Los Angeles (USA) people are forming support networks for co-workers.

Capitalist Competition and Crisis

The coronavirus emergency is sharpening and revealing the contradictions that always exist at the heart of capitalism. It is accelerating the bossesā€™ economy going into recession and depression.

It is intensifying the conflict between US, Chinese and Russian imperialists: Chinese rulers are showing their strength internationally while the US rulersā€™ weaknesses are exposed. Wars are already decimating the lives of millions. World war will affect everyone ā€“ worse than coronavirus.

More and more are seeing the failures and the fault-lines in capitalist society. In capitalist schooling as well as in public health, the workplace and the environment.

Communism can create and provide the education we really need ā€“ in place of the capitalistsā€™ ridiculous and divisive assembly-line system of indoctrination.

Communism can create the conditions for all of us to live healthy lives. Clean water, healthy food, decent housing that fosters community. No more workplace stress, drug addiction, despair-driven suicide, racist police terror. No racism period. No sexism or ageism or xenophobia. No wars, no refugees. Truly we have a world to win!

This is exactly the time to spread the discussion of why we need communism and how to win it. This is the time to join and build the International Communist Workersā€™ Party everywhere. Circulate this leaflet by social media and any other means possible. Get in touch with us and become part of the solution.

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