Factory Organizing in El Salvador

SAN SALVADOR, January 10—Once again we have met with co-workers at the factory to discuss how to do better work in building the Party after the recent international meeting.

“How do we make a communist world?” “What will a communist factory be like?” These questions from the comrades generated the first part of the discussion.

A comrade who came to this meeting for the first time said that it is hard for him to understand how the world can change in the future because there are very deep roots that capitalism has created. But, he said, it is good to fight because it’s clear that in this system that we live in, we can no longer bear the poverty.

Another comrade answered confidently that we are very far from achieving what we are talking about. However, we have to persevere in doing the political work because at the moment we are too few for a communist revolution.

We plan to keep building the three Party clubs inside the factory and visit other factories to expand our Red Flag networks.

Then we shared a coffee and the co-workers said goodbye since they had a long way to go to get home.

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