US Rulers’ Disarray: We Need More Communism, Not More Democracy

January 29—Many people are fed up with Trump’s racism and xenophobia. They hope he will be impeached, even though Pence, another racist, sexist exploiter, would become President. With each new arrest, the noose seems to be tightening around the necks of Trump’s inner circle.

Many are disgusted, not only with Trump, but with the whole political system. Racist horrors, economic hardship and endless wars lead them to look for an alternative. How can we win them to communism?

To Impeach or Not to Impeach

“Impeach Trump Now,” screams an article in the Atlantic magazine. It argues that’s the only way to “restore faith in American democracy.”

On the other side, a New York Times columnist argues “The Case Against Impeachment.” He says that Trump should be beaten at the polls in 2020. In the meantime, he claims, Trump can be controlled by his advisers and other politicians. That hasn’t worked so well so far.

This debate appears to be a tactical disagreement among US capitalist rulers about how best to keep US workers trapped into believing in US capitalist democracy.

But it exposes a ruling class in disarray. Its empire is collapsing and they can’t agree about how best to deal with it.

Why do major US imperialist bosses hate Trump?

A major US imperialist think tank, The Brookings Institute, points to the cause of the US bosses’ collapsing world: the days of cooperation between the US and China are over. Should their policy assume this will end in a cold war, in a world war, or in “managed competition?”

A top Brookings strategist complains that US leaders have retreated from global leadership and responsibility and that Trump has made this worse. He wants the US to fight to maintain dominance.

In contrast, Richard Haass, president of the influential Council of Foreign Relations, calls for “managed decline.” He hates Trump because “it is one thing for a world order [NATO] to unravel slowly; it is quite another for the country that had a large hand in building it to take the lead in dismantling it.”

Haass concludes that this world order doesn’t have to end in world war the way an earlier world order that began in 1815 exploded a century later in World War I. But the rise of a new power challenging an existing dominant power always ends in war. Haass knows this. He admits that another world war is possible. The thrust of his article is about bolstering strategic alliances and “getting the US house in order.”

Masses Losing Confidence in Capitalism: Problem for US Rulers, Opportunity for the Growth of Communism

These bosses fear that masses of workers and youth are losing confidence in their system. That’s why Haass calls for “reducing government debt, rebuilding infrastructure, improving public education, investing more in the social safety net, a smart immigration system” and more.

But the bosses can only “manage” their decline on the backs of the working class by cutting wages and health care and by unleashing racist terror.

It is capitalism, not just Trump, that attacks the working class. This deadly racist, sexist capitalist-imperialist system leaves the masses no choice but to end it with revolution.

We will only have a real say in how society is organized when masses of workers, students and soldiers mobilize for communist revolution. We will build a communist world with cooperative social relations organized to meet the needs of the masses.

We don’t need two (or more) parties that represent our exploiters. We need armed revolution for communism.

Twice during the 20th century, global capitalist crisis and competition sharpened into world war. Twice, when the masses of workers and soldiers were forced to starve and fight for the exploiters, they turned their guns on the bosses and taken power through revolution.

By building ICWP collectives now, we are preparing to turn the rulers’ present crisis and wars into the fight for communist workers’ power. Not for “socialism” or “new democracy” or anything less than the communist society we need.

Communism won’t have competing class interests or competing imperialists. There will only be the masses, cooperating globally to meet everyone’s needs.

The government will be our mass party, the International Communist Workers’ Party. It will consist of millions of workers organized in inter-connected collectives that involve many millions more.

These collectives will spread revolution and communism beyond liberated areas to the whole world.

Front page of this issue