Communist Revolution Will Defeat Capitalism’s Fascist Terror

The Struggle Sharpens: Which Side Are You On?

August 6 – We’re angry. We’re hurting. And many of us are afraid.

Twenty-two members of our working-class family killed and 26 more injured by a xenophobic fascist who drove nine hours to attack latino/a people in the border city of El Paso (USA)/Juarez (Mexico). Three killed and 12 injured in Gilroy, CA. Nine killed and 17 injured in Dayton, Ohio. All in one week.

Confronting this fascist onslaught, there is growing anti-racist unity and resistance. As more fight back, we have more opportunities to learn that to defeat racism, xenophobia and fascism, we must become fighters for communism.

Not peace vigils, not anti-racist marches, not elections can stop fascist terror, whether individual or state-sponsored. Not in the USA or China, in India or Sudan or Mexico or anywhere.

The only way to stop it is to destroy the capitalist system whose crisis drives it inevitably to fascism and world war.

Masses forced to migrate for survival… masses homeless… the disappearance of decent jobs… police terror. These are among the symptoms of this capitalist crisis.   Violent racism, sexism and xenophobia are others.

The system cannot function as in the past. The rulers resort to fascism from a position of weakness. They need fascism to try to win us to slave and fight as shock troops for their profits and their empire. They must divide and terrorize the working masses so we don’t unite to overthrow their deadly system and fight for a communist system that will meet our needs.

Need Communist Politics, Not Electoral Politics

Trump and his racist, xenophobic rants certainly encouraged the El Paso terrorist and more like him.   And the culture of fascism is growing, with 250 mass shootings in the US so far in 2019.

But Trump’s liberal opponents have no solution for us. For example, a New York Times editorial deplored white nationalism – but not capitalism. US capitalism was built from the start on white nationalism: genocide against indigenous people and enslavement of African people, all for the bosses’ profits.

Liberal politicians tell us to pour our energy into electing Democrats, but any capitalist party must be a party of racism, xenophobia and war. They want to divert us from communist revolution, the only way to rip out the roots of racism and fascism.

The party we need is the International Communist Workers’ Party. Let’s build ICWP collectives in factories, schools, barracks and neighborhoods. Let’s spread Red Flag and recruit everywhere!

The liberal politicians want us to rely on “the law” to stop racist xenophobic terror. It won’t happen. The capitalists and their armed thugs are the worst fascist killers.

US police killed 992 people in 2018, many times more than were killed by individual terrorists. In El Paso, as families struggled to find loved ones, ICE (immigration) agents showed up at hospitals and gathering points.

The capitalists’ laws are designed to keep the capitalist system intact. We must prepare to defy them and take this fight into our own hands. We must fight for communist workers’ power as we organize actions against fascism.

Only Communism Can Create a World Without Borders

The El Paso terrorist targeted a bi-national city, killing 5 who lived in Juarez and 17 who lived in El Paso. He hated its relatively open borders.

In contrast, many people are disgusted with the hardening borders around the US and many other countries. They want “a world without borders.” But a border that is sometimes open and sometimes closed is not the same as a communist world without borders.

Capitalists need borders to compete with other groups of capitalists and to force workers to compete against each other. They wring super-profits from us by paying workers on one side less.

They push patriotism to win us, especially soldiers, to fight for a particular set of capitalists against their competitors. That means using weapons against workers in other countries during wars and invasions.

But workers in uniform, women and men, gain nothing by defending any capitalists. They need to use their weapons to side with the working class and help lead communist revolution.

The working class has no use for borders, nations or competition. Our communist world will have no borders or nationalism, racism or sexism, bosses or money. We’ll collectively produce to meet the needs of the masses everywhere.

Red Army soldiers and the communist-led masses defeated the German fascist hordes in 1945. But they fought for socialism, the motherland and democracy instead of for the communist world we need. Today we’re still fighting fascism because it’s baked into capitalism.

This time, let’s mobilize the masses – in uniform or not – for communism!

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