Factory Workers Study Communist Philosophy

Building an Industrial Concentration

EL SALVADOR, August 5—Recently our collective of comrades met to share and learn about dialectical materialism. We know that it is important to deepen our understanding of this topic little by little. We are using material developed by the ICWP (icwpredflag.org/CommunistDialectics.html).

This will help us to better understand the problems experienced by the working class, the development of nature and also of thought. Making our practice revolutionary is a job that we cannot leave for later.

A comrade said, “I had not heard about this until I joined ICWP. We have to develop it with all the comrades of the factory. That will help us a lot.” Exploitation by the bosses is so overwhelming that it can seem like a dead end with no way out. But many men and women workers are receiving Red Flag. These schools about dialectics will reaffirm our struggle, the revolutionary practice for Communism. They will help workers give good leadership to the working class.

“It is common to hear some workers say that things are as they are and have always been that way,” said a comrade. But history shows us that that is not the case. The dialectical method helps us understand the development of things, processes and contradictions, in a scientific way: how things change and why they change.

Ten years ago, the International Communist Workers’ Party did not exist in the factory. Today we have a base and significant work there. That happened because we understood that we had to organize in the factories, since it is men and women industrial workers who are key for the organization and fight for Communism of the ICWP.

So, we took on the task of investigating who we knew there. We found that one of our members knew someone in the factory. That’s how our work began there. Doing that allowed us to go there and to be present today. “It is a modest but qualitative effort,” said a comrade.

We are focusing our discussion of dialectical materialism on the internal contradictions of our party and the obstacles to the growth of ICWP. Among others, we mentioned that we need a conscientious study of dialectical materialism. Although we have talked about this topic in some meetings, we need to give it permanent follow-up, since it is a main tool for the growth of the organization.

We also said that we need to expand our social networks with friends, family and coworkers. We must be united and struggling with them, so that they join the effort to build the communist system. The distribution of our Red Flag newspaper is also key, as well as organizing in other factories.

We have some readers in other factories. We have to give more attention to them. The internal dynamics of one factory is the constant firing of workers all year round. They live under the daily threat of being fired. So, there is fear of distributing Red Flag to other workers. But that will change. One of them has started attending meetings.

We have to carry out this discussion in a mass way. It helps us to objectively see where we should focus communist efforts.

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