One Human Family, One Communist World

LOS ANGELES (USA), Aug. 1— “The bosses have robbed us of the feeling of responsibility and love for our class. Part of our communist struggle is to take back that sentiment and feel the responsibility to see as ours the children of Jose or of Juana, or of other workers,” said a comrade in a recent meeting with about twenty comrades and friends of the ICWP garment club.

It was a day of social activity with a political discussion about immigrant children caged at the border by the Trump administration, and an invitation to the next ICWP activities.

In the meeting we mentioned a recent pro-immigrant demonstration where many young people and adults showed their solidarity with workers detained in an immigration jail downtown. We said that this shows the potential that exists in general and with our friends to win them to fight for a communist world without borders.

The camaraderie in these social gatherings is very important, because it shows and deepens the bonds of friendship that we have created with our political base of friends. Workers and their families attended who are from different countries which are considered “expellers” of migrants such as Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador.

A weakness that we will have to correct is the lack of leadership on the part of some club members. During political discussions, there are those who don’t dare to participate. They leave it to those with more experience to give their opinions. But the potential is there, with the club members and with our friends. The future can be bright if we help everyone contribute something they have learned through their participation in the Party.

At the end, we thanked those present, and asked them to invite their relatives and friends to attend the activities we constantly carry out. Our Red Flag newspaper, and the communist pamphlet Fight for the Day No Worker Will Be Called a Foreigner, (available here) were the stars of the afternoon, as they were taken with interest by many participants.

The future is very promising, but we have to work hard to achieve our goal. Let’s recruit more members to the Party, and let’s ensure that everyone becomes leaders. That will be our guarantee to defeat Capitalism and achieve a Communist world.

—Comrades in Los Angeles

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