Capitalists Use Gangsters, Cops and Soldiers to Terrorize Workers

Workers, Youth, Soldiers must Fight for Communist Power

CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA, July 19 — Soldiers with the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) arrived in a Cape Town community along with South African Police Service. The community had been protesting earlier for better housing and made a plea for help for the crime in the area.

They are finding out that it’s a mistake to rely on the racist oppressors for protection. The biggest crime is capitalism itself. It steals the value we produce to go for the capitalists’ profits.

We communists understand that only an armed and united working class can eliminate crime in our streets. That is, an armed and united working class mobilizing for a revolution to conquer capitalism and establish communist society.

Militarization of Cape Town Townships

The Army started carrying out searches in Manenberg and Hanover Park following a surge of shootings, gang violence and murders in Cape Town’s townships. It was supposedly deployed to ensure a “crime-free and peaceful society.”

Some think that the African National Congress is using this tactic to gain support from the Western Cape since it lost its support to the Democratic Alliance.   What it means is that the working class falls victim to the bullets thrown both by gangsters and by soldiers.

Several children were shot in Mitchell’s Plain. Did the bullets come from the very soldiers who are deployed to keep the peace? Or from criminals who are still managing to execute murders and other crimes in their presence.

Cape Town is becoming a war zone. The number of deaths is rising. There are many autopsies. The mortuaries can’t keep up. Families cannot bury their loved ones.

Children are unable to play in the streets. Some struggle to go to school. Workers find it difficult to report to work. This is terrorism at its finest. The presence of the SANDF in Cape Town’s communities is negatively affecting the working class’s mental health. Especially children are traumatized.

Where Do Criminals Get All These Weapons and Drugs?

The government who claims to maintain a drug- and crime-free society is the same government who allows drugs to enter the country and uses their puppets to spread them in our communities. Ammunitions can only be found in military areas, since here police are not allowed to carry them.

Therefore it is not hard to believe that the gangsters got the ammunition from the very military that is trying to confiscate them. We can conclude that the violence in the Western Cape was planned. It has always been a capitalist tactic to use gangsters as the first line of defense against the workers. Instead of trying to prevent crime, the capitalists seek to control and maintain it.

Police Minister Cele claimed that, as firearms are confiscated, knives have become the weapon of choice. Another excuse. He refuses to admit that the deployment of SANDF in Cape Town is not stopping the violence.

Crime, Racism and Militarization Divide the Working Class

Crime anywhere in the world affects the whole working class. A divided working class can be more easily exploited and controlled, victimized and subjugated. The capitalists understand this. Thus, they try by all means to divide oue class.

The capitalists authorize their paid shock troops (soldiers and police) to “fight against crime” in a way that works for the bosses. And they try to prevent the working class from fighting against murder and theft.

The same thing is happening in El Salvador, in the Philippines, and in Brazil’s favelas. This shows that capitalism is in crisis everywhere, developing fascism. Soldiers are patrolling the streets for the ruling class. We need to win them to turn the guns around and fight for the working class that most of them come from.

Racist Capitalism: The Main Criminal

Fifty years ago, all non-white people were evicted from the center of Cape Town where they had lived in neighborhoods with long-standing community ties and support. They were forced to live in townships in small high-rise apartments.

Many unemployed youths joined gangs. They began using and selling drugs. Some residents now mistakenly support an increased police/military presence to “solve” the gang problem. This is a serious error.

The same system that created the problem won’t solve it. Only the working class, fighting for communism, will solve it.

Communist society won’t have police, money or drugs. Collectives in every neighborhood will mobilize the masses to produce everything we need and to defend our class with weapons when necessary. Youth won’t have reason to turn to drugs and crime. They will have exciting, productive work. They will play leading roles in fighting for revolution and building communism.

As proud members of the ICWP, we are deepening this struggle now among students and farmworkers in this area!


Communism Fights for the Unity of the Working Class

What the bosses are doing to the working class is so cruel and selfish, at my workplace. The bosses use their power to make their production successful. How? They use production managers to force the workers to take overtime so that they can extract more surplus value from the workers.

Due to this, the working class is suffering because we are working Monday to Sunday without rest. We don’t even have time spend with our loved ones. The sad thing is that the bosses don’t even want to make us permanent.

By law, companies can only hire workers for three months on temporal basis, and thereafter hire them permanently. What the bosses are doing is: they collaborate with hiring agencies to recycle workers. Every time workers reach the three-months period, the bosses and agencies lay them off and hire new ones.

They don’t think about our families, who will starve, because they only thing they care about is profit. The other thing is that they use the team leaders and supervisors to control us with their lies. It is terrible that some of the workers don’t see the games the bosses are playing.

I understand that some of them are afraid of losing their jobs. But one thing I know is that the bosses won’t stop these attacks.

The working class must come together to fight this selfishness and cruelty. The capitalist system has no power if the working class is united. That is the reason I joined ICWP. It is the only party that advocates for the unity of the working class while the bosses’ parties seek only the workers’ division.

We can clearly see the rot of capitalism in the relationship between bosses and the political parties. For example, when Musi Maimane campaigned for the Democratic Assembly, he received 100 million rand from private businesses, while President Ramaphosa received half a billion from private businesses. This alone clearly demonstrates the corrupt nature of the capitalist system.

That is why I joined the party that seeks a communist revolution instead of parties who seek to reform capitalism. From this day forward I pledge to distribute the Red Flag to every worker in the factory, with the aim of recruiting them to the party.

Forward to communism.

—A new industrial comrade in South Africa

September 1st South Africa Auto Workers Strike

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Working Class to Fight for Communist Revolution!

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