Eugenics and Racism: From Reparations to Communist Revolution

PASADENA (USA) – Some members of a liberal (mainly white) church were shocked to discover that a founder, Robert Millikan, was a racist eugenicist. They formed a group to try to make amends (reparations).

Millikan, who headed Caltech, won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1923. About the same time, he helped start the church. After 1928 he joined Pasadena’s new “Human Betterment Foundation” (HBF) and, in 1937, its board.

The main problem isn’t that scientists and religious liberals wanted to use science for “human betterment.” It’s that they thought rich, educated white men were better than other humans.

A Century of Racist Eugenics

The HBF intended to study the supposed ‘declining quality’ of the US population. Their guru was Madison Grant, author of The Passing of the Great Race (1916) and a hereditary member of elite New York society.

In this classic of “scientific” racism, Grant claimed that the “superior Nordic race” was in danger. “Nordics” might soon be outnumbered by immigrants from southern and eastern Europe (especially Jews and Italians) and black southerners migrating to northern cities.

Fast-forward to Charlottesville, NC in 2018, where murderous racists chanted, “Jews will not replace us!” Renaud Camus’ Grand Replacement (2012) is a foul reprise of Madison Grant.

Millikan, Paul Popenoe and the HBF promoted the forced sterilization of “inferior” women. They helped to get over 35,000 women sterilized involuntarily between 1907 and 1940.   In Germany, thrilled Nazis honored American eugenicists, translated their books, and adopted their model laws.

Eugenics didn’t end with World War II. At LA County Hospital, over 200 new mothers, many Spanish-speaking, were sterilized between 1968 and 1974.

Even vaster numbers of Puerto Rican and Native American women were sterilized in the 1960s. Records weren’t even kept. Nobody claimed they consented. Sexism and racism, hand in hand.

Eugenics, Immigration Restriction and IQ-ology

The eugenicists had scored an earlier victory for racism: passage of the federal Immigration Act of 1924 with its nationality-based immigration quotas.

Eugenicists echoed the rulers’ fears of radicalized immigrant workers who might have emulated the communist-led revolution in Russia. They said that excluding Asians and southern and eastern Europeans would preserve the “national character” (whiteness) of the US.   Popenoe complained that Mexican immigrants, especially, had large families and got too much charity money.

How is this different from today’s racist xenophobia? It’s not.

One more strand linking past and present: Another HBF founder was Lewis Terman, author of the Stanford-Binet IQ test. Robert Yerkes’ large-scale (and bogus) IQ testing of World War I recruits provided data that supposedly supported white-supremacist ideology.   As a VP of the National Research Council, which supported Yerkes, Millikan must have known about this.

By the 1960s, IQ-ology was the main form of scientific racism. Students and professors on many campuses protested Shockley, Jensen, Charles Murray, and Harvard’s Herrnstein and James Q. Wilson. President Nixon cited Herrnstein to justify his vile racist prejudices and policies.

“Intelligence” testing has been thoroughly debunked. Yet IQ tests are readily available online. They are widely used in schools. Too many folks still believe that some of us are “smarter” than others.

From Reparations to Revolution

What amends can be made by the church? By Caltech and County Hospital? By nearby Occidental College, which in 1929 honored Popenoe?

Offering apologies, revoking honors, and educating ourselves and others about the past – that’s a start.

But what are we going to do about present-day eugenics?eparations to Communist Revolution

The child sex-trafficker Jeffrey Epstein intended to “improve the human race” by impregnating women, 20 at a time. But his “transhumanism” is just the tip of today’s eugenic iceberg.

Women are still being forcibly sterilized. First Nations women in Saskatchewan, Canada. Intersex people and women with disabilities in Australia. Latinas and African-American women in California prisons. According to 2006 UN statistics, over a third of the women in India were sterilized – with funding from USAID and the World Bank.

And most pressing: the massive attacks on migrants in the US, Europe and elsewhere amidst howling xenophobia.

As in the past, the roots of these racist outrages are not in racist ideas, despite the academic credentials of those who promote them. Racism is rooted in the need of capitalists to divide the international, multiracial working class in order to maximize their obscene profits.

More important than the past or even the present is the future. The masses are more than intelligent enough to overthrow capitalism and organize society on communist principles. That will uproot racism by destroying its material basis in class society. No more will we be divided into nations and “races.”

Churches and universities should make what reparations they can. But for the communist future we need, let’s build the International Communist Workers’ Party.

Demonstration at LA County Hospital against forced sterilizations mainly of Mexican immigrant women—early 1970’s.

Demonstrators demanded that racist forced sterilizations must end. But they didn’t say that racism comes from capitalism or call for its destruction with communist revolution.

Communists participated with others in the campaign to expose racist capitalism’s forced sterilization of mainly Mexican immigrant women. They exposed the lie that the problem in the world is “too many people.” They said the problem was too many rich people. If there were no rich, there would be no poor!”

Between 1968 and the early 1970’s, as more immigrants came to LA from Mexico and Central America, the number of non-medical sterilizations increased dramatically at LA County Hospital. This was eugenics in practice. It’s based on the same racist xenophobic lies the bosses push today: that brown people will “replace” whites. Women were coerced into signing sterilization forms, many without knowing what they were signing. The forms were in English and many couldn’t read them. Often they were in heavy labor on pain medication when the form was pushed on them. They later found out they had been sterilized.

Today as the bosses in crisis are pushing racist xenophobia, we should boldly act against these racist capitalist attacks. This time we call for destroying the capitalist system based on racism and genocide. We are mobilizing for communism where all children are welcomed and nurtured by growing communist collectives. The communist masses will abolish racism and sexism, and guarantee the safety and well being of all children and their development as communists.

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