Los Angeles Transit: Fight Racist Attack Against Bus Driver by Joining ICWP

LOS ANGELES (USA), September 17ā€”ā€œDid you hear what happened here a few weeks ago?ā€ an MTA bus driver asked a distributor of Red Flag at Division 8. He related a horrible racist incident perpetrated against a black MTA bus driver.

Three racists, not working at MTA, armed with video equipment, entered the MTA parking lot and verbally attacked him. They called him a pimp and a drug dealer because, they said, that was the only way he could explain owning the Mercedes Benz he was driving.

They stayed for quite a while harassing him and other MTA employees. Gutter racists like these are popping up all over the US. They have become bolder given President Trumpā€™s racist rantings against black people, Muslims and immigrant workers, especially Haitian and Latinos. They posted their racist video on YouTube.

Stopping people ā€œdriving while blackā€ is the hallmark of US cops. It has triggered mass rebellions. In the summer of 1964, Watts, then a predominantly black neighborhood in Los Angeles, exploded in a major uprising. It was sparked by a clash between black people and the police who had pulled over a black woman ā€œsuspectedā€ of driving under the influence

Until recently, US people of color only worried about being terrorized by the cops for ā€œdriving while black or brown.ā€ Now they have to worry about this racist scum too!

If You Want to End Racism, Join ICWP and Fight for Communism

Centuries of struggling against racism worldwide has not ended it because racism was born with capitalism and can only be ended by ending capitalism. This requires a communist revolution and building a communist society free of money, wage slavery and production for profits.

Capitalists need racism to maximize their profits by super-exploiting some sectors of our class ā€“ lower wages, little or no benefits –Ā Ā  while keeping us divided and unable to overthrow them.

Capitalismā€™s production for profits requires competition to capture the biggest share of the worldā€™s markets as possible. This competition eventually leads to trade wars, which inevitably lead to shooting wars. The capitalists use xenophobia ā€“ racism against foreigners ā€“ to blind us to patriotically fight for their profits and empires.

Racists in these fascist movements the capitalists-imperialists are building worldwide will also be used as storm troopers to try to violently force everyone to go along with their program and put into concentration camps or kill those who try to organize against them.

Only Communism Can End the Deadly Venom of Racism

Communism will destroy the material basis that constantly breeds racism. Communist production – based on the principle ā€œfrom each according to their commitment and abilities, and to each according to their needsā€ ā€“ will eliminate the petty ā€œracialā€ differences capitalists use to force us to fight each other for jobs.

Communism will provide creative and satisfying work for everyone. We will work for the love of our worldwide human family. We will all do mental and manual work ā€“ no privileges for anyone.

With no nations or borders, all workers will be welcomed everywhere. We will collectively, massively and decisively deal with the remnants of racism, sexism, xenophobia and homophobia we will inherit from previous class societies.

The fight for communism requires a Red Army of communist workers, soldiers and youth and a mass ICWP to lead it. Join the fight! Read, distribute and write for Red Flag. Organize an ICWP collective on your job, neighborhood or military unit.

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