Worldwide Student Climate Strikes

Communist Workers’ Power Can Solve Environmental Crisis

September 18 – As we go to press, millions of students worldwide are planning to strike and march this Friday and next. They are demanding that the “adults in charge do something, anything about the climate change disaster.” But those adults are in charge of a global capitalist system. And capitalism is not capable of resolving the climate crisis it has created.

The youth themselves must ally with the working-class masses around the world to destroy that system with communist revolution.

In communism, the masses of workers will collectively exercise power. We’ll build a new world on the wreckage of the old. No longer will we be chained by money, markets or profits. Instead, we will organize production to meet everyone’s needs – including those to come after us.

Communism will unleash the creativity of the masses. We’ll build on existing technology and advance it further to develop a fully sustainable energy infrastructure. What’s more, we’ll mobilize labor massively to reverse the social and environmental devastation caused by capitalism’s insatiable thirst for profit and its ever-deadlier wars.

The technical means already exist to begin to restore oceans and deserts, fields and forests, city and country. Communist political power will put these to work. Communist mobilization will unite masses to use their brains and muscles to figure out new solutions. We won’t rely on a few “experts” who were trained to provide the bosses with “cost-efficient” plans.

And we won’t rely on a few “super-star” activists like Greta Thunberg. Instead, starting on four continents right now, dozens (and later hundreds, thousands, and millions) are learning to be communist leaders and to train many more.

We invite you to become one of them!   Nobody is too young and nobody is too old! And nobody can afford to wait.

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