Faced with a New Recession, Let’s Advance Under Attack by Building the ICWP

The stock markets of many countries plummeted on 13 August, heralding another economic crisis. The great recession, as the last crisis was called, is still being felt in many working-class households worldwide. If another recession were to follow, it would have calamitous consequences and, according to the bosses’ economists, at the level of a depression never seen before.

The overproduction of commodities is creating economic wars between the bosses of China and the United States, and also setting the stage for a military confrontation of major proportions. The Gross Domestic Product is stagnating in several countries that are considered key, as in the case of Germany which contracted 0.1% in the second quarter. Other countries: saw contractions. United Kingdom, where GDP contracted by 0.2%, Mexico 0.1%, Singapore 0.3%, South Korea 1.1%, Russia 0.7%, Brazil 0.2%. Italy and Argentina are in recession.

For Capitalism these series of crises have been habitual since it was established. All this will bring more racism and unemployment to the working class and will provoke more world migration at unimaginable levels.

But no matter how fiercely attacked the workers are, they will never stand idly by. with their arms folded. Struggle is an integral part of the working class no matter how many thousands of miles they have to walk through mountains and deserts, or cross oceans on paper rafts. The working class has never given up.

Certainly, the working class in this system cannot stop the crises that the capitalists cause, because we don’t have the power to do so. But we can, through the International Communist Workers’ Party, make a revolution to remove the bosses from power, and build a classless society.

In Communism there will be no wars, no recessions, no unemployment, no racism, much less nations or nationalism. The working class will produce what it needs without having to migrate in order to live better, because we will have everything without the need for money. Today that money is in private hands, those of the bosses, and is the cause of so much inequality.

With the recession just around the corner, we workers have to close ranks and organize with Communist ideas. There are going to be tough times, but it’s also going to be an opportunity to advance under attack and win more Party members. Together we, the working class, are powerful and we will know how to repel the attacks. Join the ICWP and fight for a Classless Society.

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