Ten Years of Mobilizing for Communism

International Communist Conferences to Plan New Advances

Capitalism is in crisis. This crisis has many faces. It has sparked intensified political debate among the working class in many parts of the world.   Are we doomed to live in a capitalist world of racism, sexism, xenophobia, nationalism, intensifying war and open fascism?

Or will communism prove, once and for all, that we are one international working class that can take power and build the world we need?   That’s not easy. But we must. And we will.

The International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP) will mark its tenth anniversary in January 2020 with international conferences and meetings in North America, Central America, Africa and the Indian subcontinent.

Each conference will include comrades and friends from around the world. Some will participate in person and others via audio or video links. They will build on advances in our communist work and propel the mobilization for communism forward.

How do we build, expand and recruit to one International Communist Workers Party to make this a reality? These conferences will address this question above all else. We will use communist philosophy – dialectical materialism—as a tool to analyze our work so far and to plan to do more and better.

Every Party collective has much to contribute, in particular our young comrades and friends.

Our strategy is to mobilize the masses for communism. That includes soldiers and sailors, students and unemployed youth and many more who are struggling just to survive.

The immediate industrial crisis has made the choice between capitalism and communism particularly stark for industrial workers. They, and soldiers, must become a key force for communist revolution.

These political debates must be won in the workplaces and barracks especially. The lessons learned spread throughout society. Communist politics will steel these workers and prepare them to lead the masses to revolution.

The upcoming conferences pose an immediate opportunity for our growing Party collectives in the maquilas in El Salvador, the auto factories in South Africa and India, and those working in aerospace, garment and transit and among youth in the U.S. We need to guarantee your participation and leadership.

Comrades, how can these conferences be planned to best help you advance? How do we build the kinds of communist relations necessary to grow? Which co-workers, relatives, friends can we invite and how can we persuade them to come?

Think about our political work: What contradictions describe and define it? What do we mean by a “contradiction” in this context? How do we resolve these contradictions?

We are fighting for a world without money, but we live in a world where we need it.

These conferences will require our Party to collect at least $10,000 more than we need for our usual operating expenses.   Comrades have already stepped up, but we need more. And quickly!

We must collectively raise money to fly international comrades and friends from new areas to these conferences. There are expenses associated with each conference, including that of video equipment.

It requires money to advance the communist work necessary to fight for a society without money. We resolve this contradiction as we always do. We rely on the commitment of every collective, member, Red Flag reader and other friends.

We don’t all have the same ability to contribute. We don’t all have the same needs. Every party club and related collective should immediately make concrete plans for how much we can raise if we “stretch.” And then let’s collect more money, from more people, than ever.

Help us plan to make these conferences prepare us as well as possible for the sharpening struggle. Let’s set goals for recruitment. And for expanding the readership of our literature: a measure of our influence. And goals for expansion to new workplaces and new parts of the world.

Our International Communist Workers’ Party has made big strides in our first ten years. Now we must make bigger ones. The next ten years, comrades and friends – and the future of the international working class — is in your hands.

Front page of this issue