Who’s Stealing from Whom?

El Salvador, October 7—The owner of the factory goes into the bathrooms to spy on the workers. He says that the workers steal his products. Here is the question: who is stealing from whom?

A worker says: “We are going through difficult times in this factory. They look at us as if we were robbing them.”

A comrade of the International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP) replied: “Don’t be surprised. Capitalism acts like this. They inject terror into the workers to enslave everyone more, while they are the ones who keep the profit.”

Another comrade said: “Friends, let’s not be afraid of them. They are the ones who steal from us. They steal our labor power. ”

In the factory where ICWP is concentrated, the bosses have gathered a group of thugs to frighten the workers. They gather at the front door at break time, lunch time and when its time to go home, unnecessarily searching women and men as if it were a prison.

In this period, the bosses are attacking the workers with mistreatment and all types of repression. It’s a strategy to get us to quit so they don’t have to pay for the end-of-the-year vacations or the bonus.

Faced with these attacks, we are taking the opportunity to talk with more women and men workers, telling them that the ICWP and its Red Flag newspaper will put an end to the repressive ruling class.

In communism we will work to meet the needs of our class, not to produce profits. Money will not exist. There will be no exploited or exploiters like today when the bosses make us work for them.

This is how we have responded with the workers in the face of this bosses’ attack. More collective struggle of women and men communist workers.


“Watch Free TV” Billboard in Los Angeles, USA.

We hear a lot that “young people don’t read.” What the capitalists mean by that is: “Young people, don’t read!” Reading isn’t the only way we learn things. We learn from our own experiences, by trying out ideas in practice. We also learn from the experiences of others. Reading is often a good way to do that. That’s why you should write for Red Flag. And read Red Flag, and encourage others to read it. But we need to read more than that. About the history of the communist movement and the development of communist theory. About things going on in the world today. As the communist poet Brecht wrote in 1931, “You who starve, reach for a book; it will be a weapon. You must prepare to take command now.”

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