El Salvador: Chinese & U.S. Capitalists Compete to Exploit Workers

EL SALVADOR—Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele has announced more Chinese “aid” for cooperation projects as well as the signing of cooperation agreements in tourism, economy and other areas. China is expanding economically and militarily throughout Latin America, as it is in Africa and Asia.

China has already signed such agreements and initiated projects in Nicaragua, Panama, Costa Rica, and South America. Through these cooperation projects, China has a greater presence in the region, to compete for natural resources and labor, as part of its geopolitical strategy in opposition to the influence of the United States.

The Chinese capitalists-imperialists, like those from the USA, care little about the environmental damage caused by the projects they develop, both in mining and hydrocarbons, nor the vicious attacks on the working class. In the areas where large Chinese consortiums work, even small nations like El Salvador are part of the inter-imperialist fight between these two powers.

The rulers can make alliances and business deals, but the workers are only exploited. It is time to organize workers in Latin America and worldwide permanently and politically for Communism within the International Communist Workers’ Party.

Asian capitalists are pushing to gain control of tourism and commerce, as happened with the recent sale of Perico Island in El Salvador to a Chinese businessman. Hundreds of people will be evicted and sent to live in distant places, so that they don’t frighten the tourists with their poverty.

Despite the multimillion-dollar Chinese investment in many countries, poverty is still the workers’ daily life. The money goes to the local bourgeoisie and the Chinese businessmen who travel to these places. The rest returns to Beijing. Companies like Huawei help spy on political enemies of local governments that are friends or allies of Beijing and those that are a threat to the Chinese rulers.

Capitalist policies have wreaked havoc on the environment and caused human losses (for example, the killing of indigenous people in Bolivia for opposing Chinese investment projects).

Whatever the imperialist flag, the capitalists only bring death and environmental destruction where they arrive. They buy national governments for juicy amounts of money so that they do not oppose labor violations and precarious working conditions.

The army and the centers of production – factories – are key to ending this rotten profit system. It is time to strengthen and create ICWP communist collectives that build the path that the working class must travel to build a new communist political, social, and economic system.

There is a lot of work ahead. We need the help and collaboration of all the sectors exploited by the bourgeoisie who want better conditions of life for the present and the future.

We need to read and discuss history to learn from the successes and mistakes of the past to build new communist forms of distribution from the factory to the worker’s table. Join us!

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