Students protest fascist citizen laws. Ignites mass demonstrations in India

Breaking News

Fascist government in India passed two laws recently that essentially declare over 210 million Muslims in India as internal enemies.

Jamia Milia is a predominately Muslim University in New Delhi, India. In response to these fascist laws, students organized a walk out paralyzing New Delhi. At night, under the cover of darkness, police cut-off electricity and internet services.   They entered student hostels, libraries and ruthlessly beat up students, male and female.

Images of barbaric brutality on mass media outraged masses all over India. Dozens of university students have organized solidarity marches. JNU, DU, IITs, IIMs, TISR and many other prestigious universities where the students had dreams of becoming future leaders in the capitalist system are attacking the capitalist system itself. Many workers have joined protests.

Attempts of the fascist Modi government to divide Hindu and Muslims have turned into the opposite.

We will have detailed article/s but we recognize this is a huge opportunity to offer the communist alternative everywhere among workers, students and soldiers. The masses are in motion. Those who thought and believed in the capitalist system are determined to destroy it. Let us use this explosive situation to build ICWP now.

Twitter and other social media platforms are on fire under #JamiaMilia

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