“The Future Of The Working Class Is Only About Communism”

Los Angeles Transit Workers

LOS ANGELES (USA), November 28—Our weekly meeting of transit workers focused on inviting other workers to the January 18 celebration of 10 years of the International Communist Workers’ Party.

H talked about the party’s achievements during this time and the importance of continuing to develop our work. Inviting more workers to attend this event is very important for the party’s growth.

Comrade J added that the situation for the working class is getting harder. Shipyard workers are threatened with losing their jobs due to automation.

Other comrades also commented about how this situation could affect us too. Other transit companies hire one master mechanic and ten mechanics who probably earn the minimum wage. Someone said that they could easily do that at the MTA too. That’s why it’s very important to organize the party so that we can fight more effectively when the situation sharpens.

Someone said that he was a little afraid about security. As things get worse, the bosses can attack us—especially communists who are spearheading fight.

There were many good responses.

Someone said, “Look, security is in numbers. If we recruit more people, we will be strong. If not, we are going to be screwed, because sooner or later we will be affected. Everyone talks about a recession, and an economic depression. That affects our lives and our children’s lives. It’s harder for the new generations to live a life even as good as ours. There’s less chance that they can get jobs like this one.”

“It’s very important to organize. If you don’t join the party, you are isolated. Together we are stronger. So it’s important for the party to grow and recruit more comrades.”

“Yes,” G said, “At times there is a lot of anti-communism because of the brainwashing that the ruling class has done for so long. We have to talk to our fellow workers. They are our brothers and sisters, our class. We have to win them to participate with us in the party. That’s why it’s important to distribute Red Flag and invite our fellow workers to meetings. The conference on January 18 will be very important in that regard. We must try to bring as many other workers and family members as possible. They will begin to know more about the ideas. They can meet more friends or comrades from other countries and listen to their organizing experiences. We can learn from them.

“I think,” said Comrade X, “that fear cannot stop us. Whether we organize or not they will attack us one way or another. If we are politically prepared, we will be more able to lead the fight when it’s necessary.”

“And something that impressed me,” he said, “is the question of soldiers. Soldiers are from our class, youth from our neighborhoods. If we work with them, we could win them to join us.”

We ended by talking about the topics of the January 18 meeting. Comrade J said that it is important that we all collaborate financially so the event is a success. Money is needed for travel, food, for the place. All of us need to contribute economically what we can and according to our commitment. We mentioned countries that comrades will come from and many countries where people read the paper and are in solidarity with the party.

The situation seems to be consolidating more with these comrades. They are seeing things more politically.

As we finished, J said, “When the working class has lost everything, the only thing we’re going to have is communism. That’s why we’ve got to make it strong right now. We’ve got to fight for it. Because the future for the working class is only about communism.”

Front page of this issue