Trump Impeachment Sharpens Fight Among U.S. Rulers

US Imperialists Fight for Their Empire – Let’s Not do the Same!

USA, December 9 – Republicans call it a “witch hunt.” Democrats call it a “fight against corruption and abuse of power.” Actually, the Trump impeachment fight is about the future of US imperialism.

The international working class – not the imperialists! – must determine the world’s future. We must build a new communist society on the ashes of the old. A society without elections or politicians. A society where all participate directly in making the decisions that affect our lives.

The real indictment

“Trump has personalized, privatized, and deinstitutionalized foreign policy to the detriment of the national interest.” ( Translation: He works for himself, not for his class.

No “national interest” can meet the needs of both workers and capitalists. Capitalist rulers define their own class interest as the “national interest.”

A major faction of US imperialism thinks that Trump is sacrificing the capitalists’ “national interest” for his personal gain.

The US political system has no official, immediate method (like a vote of “no confidence”) to bring down a government. When the rulers feel they can’t wait for the next election, impeachment is their extreme remedy.

Pro-impeachment forces can’t wait. They fear that Trump’s encouragement of foreign interference in US elections will compromise their entire so-called “democratic” system.

Imperialists prepare for more wars

The US ruling class is divided about how to preserve their endangered global empire. Some think that US imperialism must prepare to confront both Chinese and Russian imperialists. Others argue for prioritizing one over the other.

But Trump’s administration is placing US imperialism at risk in both regions.

It actively promotes Russian interests in Eastern Europe. It weakens NATO. The Trump administration’s Ukraine policy aimed only to attack Trump’s domestic rival. In southwest Asia, his abrupt withdrawal of US forces from Syria, a gift to Russia, horrified US military leaders.

The Trump administration has also weakened the US in Asia-Pacific. It withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. It deferred military construction projects in Guam, a key US military hub, to pay for Trump’s “wall.” His demands on South Korea have “heightened tensions between longtime allies and posed risks for regional security.” (

US military leaders see Trump’s support for a Navy SEAL war criminal as a threat to their whole chain of command and to military discipline.

That’s why he’s being impeached. Not for caging refugee kids and letting them die. Not for cutting food stamps. Not for encouraging violent white supremacists. Not for enriching himself at taxpayers’ expense. Not for calling himself “the Chosen One” and trying to buy Greenland.

Testifying against Trump…. and for anti-communist patriotism

Fiona Hill, a key impeachment witness, is a Harvard-trained Russia/Eurasia expert. Belongs to the Council on Foreign Relations and the Brookings Institution.   A former intelligence analyst under Bush and Obama. A top advisor for Trump’s National Security Council until July.

The Republican lawyer George Conway proposed a #FionaHillFanClub. We are supposed to admire her, along with the staunch anti-communist diplomats Marie Yovanovich and Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman (another Harvard-trained Russia expert) who also testified.

These three, all immigrants, are supposedly “people doing the right thing by the country.” The rulers want us to be inspired with patriotic enthusiasm – possibly for a war against Russia. They want us to identify Russia with “communism” even though the ruling Russian oligarchs openly embrace free-market capitalism.

Anti-communism is a cornerstone of the bosses’ anti-worker ideology.

Democrats attack Trump… are they the workers’ friends?

In 1979, the US-backed the brutal Shah of Iran. The Ayatollah Khomeini opposed him. Many left-wing Iranians thought that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” They supported Khomeini. But once he had power, he suppressed them. Many were jailed or killed or fled into exile.

“We are the masses.” “Trump is the enemy of the masses.” “The Democrats are the enemy of Trump.” Does that make Democrats the friends of the masses? No!

Obama escalated deportations. Democrats let Trump cut taxes on the rich, divide the masses with racism and sexism, and build fascism. But now he interferes with the imperialist rulers’ preparations for World War III — an even deadlier attack on our international working-class family.

Workers have no “friends” among capitalist rulers anywhere. Let’s prepare to dump them all with communist revolution.

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