Comrades Organize Communist Solidarity With Anti-Fascist Struggles in India

SEATTLE (USA), December 21, 2019—Fifty youths protested the new Islamophobic Citizenship Law in India, chanting, “2,4,6,8: Shut Down the Fascist State!” They were keenly aware that their protest was part of the rebellion sweeping across the world. Very happy to meet our comrades, they grabbed every copy of Red Flag that we brought and began reading them on the spot. Our news of international communist struggle was just what they were looking for. They were eager to talk about our party and its communist political work in India, Seattle and elsewhere. Increasingly frequent demonstrations like this, against international oppression, are opportunities to build the International Communist Workers Party (ICWP).

FREMONT (USA), December 21, 2019— The mass anger against India’s fascist Islamophobic laws spilled into the streets of Fremont, California. Fremont, the home of Tesla, is home to many hi-tech professionals from India who work in Silicon Valley and San Francisco.

The rally, called by a Dalit group, had over one hundred people at 11 am. Many were joining, coming in cars, on foot and with public transportation. Soon there were hundreds. Men and women, children, Hindu, Sikh and Muslim and secular. Never in Fremont had so many gathered to protest fascist Modi and BJP.

Many people took Red Flag from an ICWP comrade. Many had questions about communism, but nobody rejected it. People asked about the need to fight fascism with communist revolution.

An engineer said that when she was growing up in a small village in India, there was a lot of respect for the local communists. But these communists lost support when they started trying to get elected.

Another young engineer said, “Please keep me informed about ICWP and Red Flag. I will spread the word to others in India and here.” He was very interested in our article about JNU students and excited that the students have inspired masses to fight fascism.

We invited six people to upcoming Party conference in Los Angeles. We have had socials, study groups and attended conferences with some of the event organizers for about three years. We must deepen our ties with them by building unshakable unity to struggle against the obstacles we face. By focusing on building stronger collectives, we will open the door wide open for mass recruitment of workers, soldiers, professionals and students to communism.

Greetings to Student Comrades in India

The news of the repression suffered by the students of Jamia Milia University in India reached us through the Party’s communication networks. The Western bourgeois press does not report anything about the revolts that are taking place.

With the students and the masses in India — all our international communist solidarity! The old world is crumbling and the new one is late in coming. Meanwhile we have to be supportive and at the same time bold to mobilize the masses for the construction of the Communist Party of a new kind.

Strength, comrades!

University students in Mexico organized in the International Communist Workers’ Party

Los Angeles (USA) December 21—Comrades bring communist ideas to protest against India’s fascist Islamophobic laws


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