Destroy Capitalist Profit System to Make the World Safe for Workers

India, December 30—Five comrades in auto factories of Chennai, India went to a mass rally against the fascist anti-Muslim laws (CAA and NRC). We got reports from our comrades in Bengaluru about their experience in a similar demonstration. We were very inspired by it.

In our city, Chennai, people are angry about these laws. We have almost 10% Muslims in the city and many more migrants. After the fascist laws were enacted, thousands of people including many Hindus, Dalits and Christians along with Muslims have held mass rallies.

The protest we went to was the largest, rally attended by people coming from different religious backgrounds and also secular people. For miles and miles all you can see is people coming to the protest. The unity of the masses is hard to describe. Muslims and non-Muslims standing shoulder to shoulder, in sharp contrast to fascist hatred and violence by the BJP government.

Our small group included two Muslim comrades. They said they never felt safer in their lives surrounded by so many Hindus. We realize that for the working class to feel safe, we need to destroy capitalism and its profit system that creates xenophobia, sexism and war for profit.

The auto industry is in serious crisis along with the economy of India. When so many people are losing jobs, fascists want us to think that our problems are due to the Muslims.

Fascist BJP was overwhelmed by an outpouring of anger of the masses. But now they are counter-organizing with its paramilitary militia and police. They are targeting Muslim property, vandalizing it. We need to build our own defense to defeat the fascists.

We are meeting every two weeks to talk and explain about the need to expand ICWP at the factories where we work. This experience has made us bolder and more committed.

—Chennai ICWP Auto Workers Collective

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