ICWP in India Organizes for Communism

INDIA — A small group of members and friends of the International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP) met here recently to denounce violent xenophobic attacks. We urgently spread the necessity of communist revolution in response to the capitalist crisis that is causing ultra-racism and xenophobia around the world.

These attacks were organized by the fascist ruling party (BJP) and their militia against people from Kashmir.   India, Pakistan and China have fought over this region since 1947. The attacks were in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.

Earlier in the week, a terrorist group had attacked the Indian army in Kashmir, killing over 60 soldiers. This occurred less than 200 km (120 mi) from Pakistan.

The Chinese capitalists are building a $46 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. This will connect China with the Middle East on a land route.   It will bypass the contentious South China Sea lane. Indian capitalists see this development as an economic threat. They are increasingly relying on US imperialists to restrict the China-Pakistan alliance.

The US bosses’ attempt to isolate Iran from the oil market has also increased the possibility of war. Iran and Saudi Arabia are fighting for domination in the region. A foreign trip by the Saudi Prince to Pakistan and India had to be postponed due to the terrorist attack in Kashmir.

The working class in India, Pakistan and everywhere in the world has nothing to gain from imperialists’ attempts to capture markets. Sooner or later this rivalry among imperialists will lead to world war.

Our small party in India has made attempts to contact comrades in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal and Bangladesh with Red Flag.

Our message of a communist world without borders is warmly received by many who are victims of the borders that are killing the working class. It is our utmost desire to take this opportunity to spread communist ideas and build ICWP. This is the only alternative to endless wars and terror for profit.

We are confident that our party represents the dreams and aspirations of the international working class. We have the potential to grow and build a massive party that will end the rule of the capitalist profit system forever.

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