Teachers on Strike

Denver, CO, USA

West Virgina, USA

Feb. 20, USA—As we go to press, teachers in Oakland, CA are preparing to go on strike in the morning. They are demanding more nurses and support staff and higher pay to keep experienced teachers. They are fighting school closures and privatization. These demands reflect the crisis in the public schools after two decades of “school reform.”

Teachers in Denver, CO, just ended a three-day strike. Their key demand was an end to test-based “merit pay”—an item on the “school reform” agenda.

Teachers in West Virginia struck this week against charter schools and tax-supported tuition vouchers for private schools.

Teachers in Los Angeles, CA struck for six days in January against the charter schools’ gutting of public schools and for smaller classes. This is part of a growing movement of angry teachers who have seen school reform in all its forms attack the public schools.

ICWP supports the teachers on these picket lines. But we critique public education as a capitalist institution that channels working-class students into wage slavery, exploitation, and the military. For the education students need, we fight for a communist society without money, wages or exploitation.

Los Angeles, CA, USA

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