Comrades Organize a Communist May Day in El Salvador

EL SALVADOR— “In the meeting before May Day we need to talk about the history of International Workers’ Day. That’s how people who come to the march will know why they march. The unions only take them and never explain the reason. And also because we must make a good plan to distribute our newspaper and the immigration pamphlet as much as we can,” suggested a worker leader in the last meeting of the Leadership Committee here.

We are planning our participation in the May Day March. The comrades are organizing in the factories, the fields, in school and the university, encouraging more people to join us.

The comrades of the industrial clubs are gaining more experience in organizing each of the party’s activities. They are doing so with a lot of discipline. They know that the mobilization of May Day is a great opportunity for Red Flag and our pamphlet “Fight for the Day When No Worker Will Be Called Foreigner.” to reach thousands of workers.

As communists it is our duty to promote the widest circulation and dissemination of our communist literature, to awaken the consciousness of the workers and to raise the understanding of those who are already organized.

Our farmworker comrades are also inviting their friends to join the Party, and also to attend the great march. This creates a broader collaboration in the communist struggle.

The street is ours! Let’s put an end to poverty and oppression and factory closures! In communism there will be no layoffs because there will be useful work for the whole working class.

The International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP) invites the working class to join our ranks and fight directly for Communism. Our political line must reach all parts of the world.

Our goal today is to mobilize the masses for communism, as the only truly revolutionary alternative. It is not easy, but this is a collective struggle of men and women workers, students, farmworkers, and teachers. We are dedicating our lives to build Communism as the main objective of all the exploited and to build our Communist Party as its leading force.

Up with the working class! Long live Communism! Workers, communism is coming!

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