Morocco: Masses in Motion Need Communist Goal

Striking Teachers in Rabat, Morocco, March 24, 2019

April 1 – Tens of thousands of young teachers in Morocco are entering the fifth week of a strike that began on the anniversary of the 2011 Arab Spring uprising.

These “forcibly contracted” (temporary) teachers don’t have the same job security and pensions as teachers with permanent government jobs. They have faced water-cannons, police beatings, and now threats of firing.

But this strike – like the huge protests that continue in neighboring Algeria – reflects deeper discontent. In 2016-17, anger boiled over in the Hirak Rif protests in northern Morocco, especially among the youth. Morocco averages 48 protests daily.

Despite the king’s promises to help the poor, there has been little change in the conditions that sparked the Arab Spring.

“I thought that we were going out to protest and by doing that alone things would change,” said a young woman leader.

This failure of a mass militant reform movement should open some eyes to the need for communist revolution.

Capitalist investors love Morocco’s “free markets” and privatization schemes. This includes EU imperialists (led by the French) who dominate Morocco’s trade. It also includes their US, Chinese and Arab competitors.

But this is exactly the root of mass unemployment and growing misery among the masses, especially the youth. Only communist revolution can dig it out.

In February, Morocco reinstated compulsory military service for all youth ages 18-25. These young soldiers must organize in the barracks to win others to turn the guns around for communism.

Teachers, textile workers, miners, unemployed youth and many others must join them!

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