New Zealand Massacre

Comrades in India Respond by Fighting for Communist World Without Borders

March 29 – Comrades in India have friends who received word that their family was at one of the mosques in New Zealand where an ultra-racist killer had massacred fifty people. After three days of agonized waiting, the worst possible outcome was conveyed to them, not by either the Government of India or New Zealand. Father and son had died in the massacre.

We must all transform our grief and rage into a deeper commitment to smash this racist system with communist revolution.

As usual, many news outlets are portraying this as the work of a deranged lone gunman. However, fascists like the killer are the products of virulent xenophobia pushed by the capitalist bosses. Their hatred of Muslims and their xenophobic attacks on immigrants (mostly from India) reflect the bosses’ desperate effort to divide the workers to save their bloody profit system.

The victims’ families received overwhelming moral and financial support in New Zealand and Australia, including many white workers and youth. There is a huge opportunity to inject communist politics among our friends and readers.

A Red Flag reader from Australia wrote: “I came today to stand in solidarity with our Muslim community in the wake of the Christchurch atrocity. Despite myself having no religious beliefs I came to express support to those scapegoated by imperialism.

“I also came to illustrate that racism is a cancer that destroys working-class unity. I stepped into a mosque today for the first time in my life and the rest of us first-timers were made to feel welcome. It is dying capitalist imperialism that divides us. Only its destruction with communist revolution can once and for all end racism and bigotry.”

Anti-Muslim racism has grown into mass terror in India and Myanmar. Ongoing wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and elsewhere have attracted many workers to the mosques and Islam. However, workers are open to the communist alternative when we struggle about how capitalism needs division and ultimately fascism.

Comrades in India are making advances in uniting Dalit, Muslim and other workers from India and neighboring countries. This persistent work will create a solid base for our party to create a communist world without borders or bosses that will struggle to meet our collective needs as a class.

Let’s make everyone feel welcome to step into the International Communist Workers’ Party!

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