Building for a Communist May Day: El Salvador

Communist Workers’ Power Will Solve Our Problems

EL SALVADOR: “Does the Party have connections (influence) in the highest levels of government?” asked a worker who was attending a meeting of the International Communist Workers’ Party for the first time.

One worker leader replied emphatically, “We don’t need to be connected with deputies, the president, or any member of the government. Those who we are interested in, who will give us power in the society, are the working class. It’s with them that we must be united in our struggle for communism. We are organizing in several countries. Our struggle is international.”

Another worker said “We cannot be with those in power, because our Communist struggle is against them.”

In El Salvador in the last ten years a Party has governed under the “leftist” flag that generated great illusions in many workers. And the situation is getting worse every day. Thousands have migrated to other countries fleeing violence, unemployment and poverty. But this is an illusion because those who manage to arrive need to have up to three jobs to be able to send remittances home to their family.

On June 1st of this year, a young liberal will take control of the government. Like the previous ones, he has generated enormous illusions. We Communists are certain that elections do not solve the problems of our working class.

The meeting was with women and men worker comrades from the factories to talk about the history of May Day. “The bosses want us to believe that this is ‘Labor Day’, but no, comrades, it is the International Day of the Working Class,” said a worker. For decades the capitalist system has tried to diminish our commemoration of the martyrs of Chicago.

One worker comrade emphasized, “In 1886 a group of workers even gave their lives for our class. We have to continue the struggle against the bosses. Our comrades have been beaten, tortured and even killed by the police on the orders of the capitalist bosses. We must go to the May Day march and continue the struggle of these workers. They fought to reform capitalism, but today we fight to destroy it and build a new communist society.

We discussed the plans for the May Day March. “We hope that this group that has come today will also be present at the march and that we invite more factory workers as well as our families,” emphasized a worker leader.

We reviewed the pamphlet about migration and the literature that will be distributed, like the Red Flag newspaper. The T-shirts that we are going to wear in the May Day march were distributed.

The banners that we take to the march distinguishing the ICWP and the one placed in the main street are ready. They will be seen and read by thousands of workers who go out to march on this day.

Red Flag readers who attended a meeting for the first time said enthusiastically that they would join the march with the Party. “I really liked what they talk about, because it is good for us workers”; “We’ll see you there in the May Day march.”

This meeting before the march, which is held every year to plan for May Day, encouraged us very much, because many workers attended, more than in past years.

The work of our comrades in the factories is key to the organization of the International Communist Workers’ Party.

Long live the International Communist Workers’ Party!

Long live the working class!

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