Growing ICWP in India Fights for Communist Transformation of Society

Workers fight police during a 48-hour India-wide general strike, January 2019

April 23 –Nine hundred million voters in India will soon “decide” which capitalist faction will rule for the next five years. Even a fraction of that number, mobilized for communist revolution, could throw all the capitalists off our backs.

Modi’s openly fascist, xenophobic, sexist ruling party BJP has lost its grip on the masses. After an attack on Indian soldiers a month ago, the Indian air force hit targets in Pakistan in an attempt to build nationalism. This failed to translate into votes for BJP.

The BJP is fighting the liberal Congress party and over 400 other political parties. The International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP) is not one of them. Our strategy is to mobilize masses to organize for communist revolution.

We have over sixty ICWP members and friends in and near India, most of them young. They are actively struggling with the masses around this communist political line. Destroying capitalism and building communism is the only way forward.

We reject the bosses’ electoral politics. No matter who wins, the crisis of capitalism and its problems will only deepen. With or without Modi as India’s prime minister, the vast majority of the Indian working class faces a bleak future. Capitalism means mass unemployment, catastrophic environmental degradation, intense sexism and caste oppression, and religious violence.

Communist society will be organized to produce for need. It will provide useful work to everyone according to their ability and commitment and will help us all to deepen our commitment and to develop new abilities.

Production for need will eliminate money and the corruption that exists in capitalist society. The end of production for profit will also end the horrors of mass suicide by farmers as their products lose value and banks confiscate their land.

There will be no private property in communism. We will distribute what we produce according to the needs of every individual. Communist collectives (not banks, stock markets or courts) will carry this out.

We’ll coordinate through the communist party ICWP. These party collectives will be open to all who want to help make decisions in the interest of the international working class.

There will be many opportunities for masses to take leadership in big ways and small. Developing communist leadership will be a top priority. Nobody will be elected or appointed to positions where they can boss others around.

All of us, whatever our gender and wherever we were born, will work together in collectives. We will struggle ideologically to end the remnants of capitalist ideology.   That includes individualism, sexism, racism, and xenophobia. Communist culture will invigorate and unleash the creative ability of the masses.

Scientific ideas and the revolutionary philosophy of change, when grasped by the masses, will free us from religion and other ideas inherited from centuries of class society.

Working class needs revolution, not elections. Capitalist bosses are acutely aware that the simmering anger among the masses is potential fuel for a communist revolution. They are desperate to mislead the working class by offering futile elections.

The India general election offers up a parade of mass murderers, rapists, thieves and other criminals who are running for office. The ruling BJP leads the pack with its history of murdering Muslims and Dalits.   It is trying to mobilize voters with nationalism and religious hatred. It claims that it alone can defend Hindus in India from Muslim Pakistan.

ICWP members in India, Pakistan and elsewhere are fighting this nationalism by organizing workers internationally to fight for a society without borders. We are already a party without borders. Communist revolution will smash the borders that separate the working class.

We have to prepare for this revolution now by spreading Red Flag to every corner of the world. Millions of workers and soldiers must grasp communist ideas.

India is an important front in the sharpening rivalry among capitalist and imperialist bosses. The US imperialists are trying to leverage India’s historical opposition to China into a bulwark against Chinese expansion.

China has invested massively in an infrastructure corridor through Pakistan to transport commodities, bypassing the South China Sea. This was behind the recent military conflict between India and Pakistan. Sooner or later, larger wars will come.

On May Day 2019, members and friends of ICWP will bring the message of communist revolution to the masses and urge them to join us. From the tea plantations to auto and garment factories, in the docks and campuses, we will unite!   In India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Afghanistan and around the world we will march for the communist future of our mighty working class. Join us!

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