May Day Greetings from Comrades Around the World


El Salvador

On this day of the working class, we inform you that we are taking the firm decision to fight for a communist world.

Our workplace, where every day we leave our labor power, is also the center of organization where we forge this effort for those of our class.

There we distribute our Red Flag newspaper to a good number of men and women workers.

Distance does not separate us in the class struggle.

We invite the working class to join this effort.

Long live ICWP!

Long live communism!

Long live the working class!


Comrades, another May Day is approaching, an ideal time to reaffirm our commitment to the project of ICWP.

Last week we distributed about 1000 Red Flags at one of the UNAM high schools. We discussed communist ideas with students in each classroom where teachers allowed us to come in. Old and new members led the discussions, inviting students to the weekly study groups. Another important achievement was the economic contribution of the students. We managed to recover 30% of the newspaper’s expenses.

On difficult days, we are inspired by the work of our comrades around the world. From South Africa to Nepal, from Spain to El Salvador, the reports of the work motivate us not to falter.

But the collectives of the Party cannot maintain themselves only through determination and spirit. The advances are modest in relation to what is needed. The Party must have the boldness to become a force with the possibility of winning in every place where it exists. Every decision is vital!

Each one is necessary for the Party, each one must take as their own the struggle to mobilize the Masses for communism. Everyone can and must perform an urgent and necessary task for the construction of the Party.

Communism has never before been so urgent and so possible. Let us have the commitment to be communists all our lives. There is no time to lose!


In Spain, as in all of Europe and the world, the imperialists with their crises are always attacking the working class. They are enslaving us and saying that everything is due to immigration. The workers are tired of so much racism, so much sexism, so many promises (or reforms) that only benefit the big millionaire companies. The working class needs a change and a solution to stop hunger, lack of employment, and racism. This solution to meet the needs of all workers is found in Communism.

We will defeat racism and borders. We are going to destroy them and we will triumph by establishing the Communist System.

We, the International Communist Workers’ Party, fight for the working class to unite and defeat capitalism all over the world!

We send fraternal greetings to all the comrades for this May Day! Let us go out proudly to the May Day march and distribute millions of Red Flags to our class. That’s how we will continue advancing towards our goal: TO BUILD A COMMUNIST WORLD.


On the eve of May Day, the members of ICWP in Bangladesh want to express our solidarity in our common struggle to build communist society without bosses and borders. In garment factories we are using the migration pamphlet to counter xenophobia and racist attacks on the workers who come from other countries in search of jobs. We clearly show that eliminating the capitalist system and its exploitation will open a new way of living where workers will share everything we have. We realize our path is full of struggle, ups and downs. We will need millions of workers won to communism to confront the capitalist bosses with violent revolution. We have confidence that we will be victorious because we are on the right path.


It is with utmost joy I bring you red salute from Afghanistan. I read Red Flag along with some of my friends who have been active against the regime for several decades. Most of the world knows Afghanistan as a country ravaged by wars by imperialists. The bosses are trying very hard to push religion to blind the masses.   However, the working class has a long tradition of communist thinking. They are looking for a true alternative to endless wars. We believe ICWP has the correct analysis. We want to extend solidarity and support to all our comrades as they organize for a massive May Day. Long live communism.


We are sending a revolutionary message of international solidarity from various corners of India. As you know, India is in the midst of general elections. The bosses of various shades are trying to mislead the working class into useless electoral process that only serves the interests of our class enemy. We are organizing tea workers, auto workers, dock workers, students with a message of communist revolution. Although we are thousands of miles away from you, we will march shoulder to shoulder with you, comrades in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal. On this May Day, let us dedicate all our energy to fight for communist revolution.


Nepal ICWP members are with you in struggle, solidarity and revolution. Along with you, we will bring Red Flag and its ideas to the masses on May Day in Khatmandu. Our urgent immediate task is to smash nationalism, opportunism and revisionism that is showered on the working class by fake communists disguised as Maoists. They are the enemies of the working class. We will fight and win the battle for communism.


Sweden is experiencing a severe economic crisis. Once a hub of heavy machinery production, Sweden’s factories are falling silent. Cheap machinery from China is forcing factories here to close. Our currency is in decline. Unemployed youth, refugees and immigrants from Africa are desperately searching for non-existent jobs. Homelessness and hunger are no longer hidden in the urban areas. Right-wing and fascist groups are blaming immigrants and Chinese for this problem created by capitalism. We want to send our warm wishes of communist solidarity on this May Day 2019. Under communist rule, we can open the factories where all workers can contribute their labor. We can build houses, hospitals. We will not tolerate xenophobia, racism, and sexism.

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