Communist Celebration with the Mothers of the Working Class

LOS ANGELES, USA—On Saturday, May 11, more than three dozen ICWP members and friends participated in a political-social gathering honoring working class mothers. With the understanding that in some parts of the world the month of May is used to celebrate mothers by the capitalists, the ICWP garment club decided to celebrate it, and give a more political, that is, communist, twist to this celebration.

As the participants arrived, the scent of the tasty roast welcomed us for what would be a very enjoyable afternoon.

After savoring the dishes that only the love of the working class can offer, a woman worker comrade of the party thanked those present for coming.

Next, a male comrade spoke about the revolutionary role of women and pointed out the pamphlet on The Communist Fight Against Sexism, (available at ) He also spoke about the immigrants and also pointed to the pamphlet about a world without borders, and Red Flag.

Poems, songs of protest and even of love for mothers were presented by women and enjoyed by all, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie.

A young woman, a former garment worker in Honduras who arrived in one of last year’s caravans with four small children, recounted the horror of seeing migrants fall from moving trucks together with their children, and the endless hardships during her passage through Guatemala and Mexico.

She thanked the kind hands of the working class who made her journey less difficult, and the comrades who have helped her.

One comrade commented on the internal political struggle she had in order to accept this Honduran immigrant woman and her four children into her home. She was accustomed to living alone, and suddenly had company, including four children who played and ran around her house. “I thought about it and I accepted because I thought that’s what I should do as a Communist,” she said. This example of camaraderie was very much applauded and something that we should all follow.

Comrades of the Party also exposed racism, classism, unemployment, poverty, the gangs and all the evils that can only exist in a capitalist system. These force workers to escape from their places of origin. They offered the alternative of a Communist Society, which was also very much applauded.

The ICWP version of the song “Bella Ciao” ended a beautiful evening of celebrating together with the Mothers of the Working Class, who carried Red Flag and the pamphlet Fight for the Day When No Worker Will Be Called Foreigner as the best gifts they received.

Finally, it is worth mentioning the participation of a friend of the party, a contact we made during the May Day March, Despite differences with the political line of the IWCP, he brought two women to the gathering who participated with songs and poetry and left us information about how to contact them. This very enthusiastic worker, eager to know more about the party, also asked us to bring our literature to the meetings they hold. And we have also promised to continue the efforts of friendship, and the struggle for them to join the fight for Communism.

May Day in Los Angeles, USA

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