May Day in Los Angeles, USA

Communist Flags, Chants + Literature Made The Difference

International Workers’ Day 2019 was celebrated in Los Angeles, USA, with a march that brought together an endless number of diverse groups. It was a beautiful afternoon, where red, the color of the blood shed by the working class in the struggle for its liberation, prevailed, accompanied by shouts by class-conscious workers of Death to Capitalism, Long Live Communism.

Different groups presented reformist demands, but it was ICWP that made the difference, shouting communist slogans along with calls to fight fascism and crush Capitalism. We marched for two miles as friends and acquaintances joined us. We were not a very large group but we were very enthusiastic. We had the confidence that the party’s line of fighting for a just and egalitarian society for the working class is the right path.

Comrades gave speeches denouncing capitalism and calling on workers to unite and fight for Communism. Marchers listened attentively to the speeches, and the emotional moment came when we sang Bella Ciao -the Party’s version – and those nearby applauded.

As the workers slowly arrived and lined up behind the truck with loudspeakers playing music for entertainment, comrades armed with Red Flag and the pamphlet: Fight for the Day When No Worker Will Be Called Foreigner, devoted themselves to handing them out to as many as they could.

Communism was present by way of the International Communist Workers Party. Comrade workers with a big banner saying: For a Communist World without Borders, We Need Revolution, led the ICWP contingent. Comrades and friends of the party also proudly carried posters about May Day, the date the bosses try to erase from the collective memory of the workers (changing it to Immigrants’ Day).

We had to wait two hours for the march to begin, but the members of ICWP used that time to distribute our literature and make promising contacts. We are committed to following up with them to win them to join the party.

As we marched, we found out that members and friends in South Africa and El Salvador had ended their participation in their respective marches, and were sending reports of their work in the International Workers’ Day celebrations. It is heartening to hear that every day the party grows internationally, which shows that the masses are awake and hungry to fight for a better world.

We distributed 1,200 copies of Red Flag and more than 500 pamphlets to marchers and people on the sidewalk, who eagerly took our literature. We walked back tired and hungry, but satisfied with the work we had done. We know that we need to do more to win the masses to achieve our goal. We understand that the day will come when the whole horizon will be red with the flags of Communism and its glorious International Communist Workers’ Party.

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