May Day in South Asia

Building International Communist Solidarity

May 1—Over one hundred members and friends of the International Communist Workers’ Party in Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bangladesh took the message of communist revolution to the masses at eight different May Day events.

Using the general elections in India as a pretext, the capitalist bosses are preparing for another wave of sharp attacks on the working class. We offered communist revolution as the only way to end the unending horrors caused by the profit system.

Our forces distributed over 1000 Red Flags. And, using the social media, we distributed several thousand more Red Flags and also Immigration pamphlets.

Comrades in Pakistan reported that the Immigration pamphlet was widely used to advance our vision of the world without borders. The capitalist bosses in Pakistan and China are confronting Indian and US bosses for control of markets. They are building intense nationalism to divide us. Comrades in Pakistan pledged to advance our work in Afghanistan and China.

In Bangladesh our comrades are struggling with garment workers to build international solidarity with the garment workers in Myanmar, Thailand, India and Sri Lanka.

In South India, in a hub of auto factories, we marched with the workers and distributed copies of Mobilize the Masses for Communism. A group of students in Mumbai marched with a large contingent of dock workers. They distributed the same document in the Marathi language that is widely spoken there.

A May Day highlight was a message of solidarity from a delegation of garment workers in Sri Lanka. They said, “Red greetings comrade. We have received a copy of Red Flag and we are very interested in learning from you more, in struggle and solidarity.”

We want to build on our modest May Day successes in south Asia by organizing a Communist School there this summer.

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