Another Day, Another Reason We Need Communism

EL SALVADOR — Working hard one day in the factory, I got up from my cubicle because I noticed a co-worker’s daughter alone near the factory entrance. I saw that she was saying something to the guard.

Noticing that she seemed uncomfortable, I approached and asked this guard what was happening. “She needs to go to the bathroom,” he said.

This girl had been left there because it is forbidden for a certain sector of the workers to let their children enter the factory, although there are other workers who can do so.

I took the little girl by the hand and took her to the bathroom. Then I brought her back. When I returned to my workplace, a co-worker told me “Why did you bring her in? They’re going call this to your attention.”

I answered, “THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN IN COMMUNISM. I couldn’t leave the girl in that condition.”

At that moment my words had an effect. I took advantage of the situation to explain to my co-worker that in the communist system we will be better organized so that children are better nurtured for their overall development.

Women will not be the only ones responsible for the care of children. We will take advantage of those infrastructures close to workplaces to turn them into centers for child development, while their parents carry out other work.

We will have the opportunity to actively participate in the political meetings and to help make decisions of the community. There will be no privileged sectors. We workers will decide how to resolve whatever difficulties come up.

She asked me, “And where do you get that from?

“We talk about these issues in the meetings we hold in the International Communist Workers’ Party,” I replied.

The oppressive capitalist system today imposes on women workers the responsibility of caring for their families. This has been a permanent task. It has held women back from actively participating in the organization for the struggle for Communism, but that will come to an end.

Building a society without money will be one of the aspects that will change the lives of women and workers in general. Mobilizing the workers massively for communism is key.

We had given our Red Flag newspaper to this co-worker before. But after this action and explanation she accompanied us for the first time to the meeting we had planned.

This comrade is now part of our party. Her attendance at the meetings has been very important. Her participation means a process of understanding this plan of the International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP). And it has helped her and others to be more aware of the need for our party to fight for communism.

The communist training we share gives us the strength to dedicate what we can to the organizational struggle for more workers to join the ICWP. It is not an easy task, but we will be ready to carry out the political struggle, in spite of all these problems.


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