Mass Starvation in India

Communism Will Produce and Distribute Food to Meet the Masses’ Needs


INDIA, June 23 — Three sisters (2, 8 and 10 years old) died of starvation in New Delhi, the capital of India. Postmortem at a local hospital found their stomachs had no food. Further investigation revealed there was no fat on their bodies.

Doctors said that they must have died after days agonizing pain. Their bodies were converting every drop of fat to keep the organs alive. And finally, when they stopped breathing, their bones were sticking out of their skin.

The mother of these three girls is mentally ill. The illness caused by severe poverty and depression.

The father had lost his small piece of land some 1000 km away from New Delhi. He brought his family to a slum of the sprawling city. The slum has one water tap for every thousand residents. When he arrived in Delhi, he rented a small hand cart. He would pull heavy loads, barefoot, 16 hours a day. He made just enough money to stave off starvation, but not hunger, for him and his family.

One fateful day, as he was pulling his cart, a local criminal gang stole it. Hunger turned into starvation and starvation into ultimate death of his three daughters.

When they died, he was in the streets for days looking for a job that did not exist. He desperately needed work as there was no food. The family were evicted from their dilapidated room in the slum. At the age of 36, he had lost his small piece of land, his cart, his daughters and was now left with nothing but an open sky and cruel streets of Delhi to take care of his mentally-ill wife.

Damn capitalism and its endless murders!

There are about 130 million people in India who are in a similar situation. They are considered internal migrants. In each case, the family loses a small piece of land due to inability to pay loans to banks as food prices fall. They come to big cities looking for work.

In 2017/18, unemployment in India was the highest in 45 years. Tens of millions are unemployed.

The capitalist bosses in India know that there is a tremendous discontent among the masses. That is why the Indian rulers selected Modi and his fascist gang to rule the country. The rulers are always aware that the hungry masses are going to rebel sooner or later and that could turn into a communist revolution. To prevent the masses from rising they need fascism and some reform in the system, so it prevents mass starvation.

Some years ago, the government was acutely aware of impending hunger and starvation due to the internal migration. It wanted to implement a ‘Food security Law’ which would guarantee food and a reasonable price of commodities to the farmers so they could survive.

However, to expand the sale of Indian agricultural products in the global market, the government had to abandon the Food Security law. Exports of beef, grain and other foodstuffs skyrocketed, exposing hundreds of millions to the level of destitution.

Only communism can guarantee dignity of each and every person. Communism will produce and distribute food and everything else according to the needs of the masses. Nobody will go hungry while others eat their fill.

We have to destroy capitalism as it is becoming more unbearable every day. Fascist Modi and his criminals are calling this “New India.”

We, the members of ICWP in India, are not intimidated by fascism. It is making us strong ideologically. We are preparing for a July communist school to show and struggle with the masses about fighting for a communist revolution.

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