Aerospace Worker Organizes New Red Flag Collective

Letter from Brazil:

I live and work in São José dos Campo, Brazil. Many people here, including me, are employed by Embraer, the third largest aircraft manufacture in the world. Other industries are automobile, petrochemical and pharmaceutical. As you can imagine, the city is a major industrial hub of Brazil.

Boeing bought 80% share of Embraer. By the end of this year, the Boeing takeover will be completed. Many workers are now afraid of losing their jobs. The fear is real after the crisis in Boeing following the two fatal 737 max airplane crashes.

I have been reading Red Flag for several years. On occasions I discuss the articles in Red Flag with my coworkers, my family and friends. For the past year I have been reading almost all of Red Flag when I receive new issues. I carefully read the articles of ICWP in Boeing. The articles from El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, and South Africa make a deep impression here.

A comrade from the US is always asking me to join ICWP and organize a group of Red Flag readers. I do consider myself a member of ICWP. Over the years I have introduced Red Flag to dozens of people here. However, I feel overwhelmed by the task that is in front of us. Many people are angry with President Bolsonaro but they also have illusions in former president Lula.

Now we have decided to form a small group of Red Flag readers. We plan to discuss specific articles of Red Flag every week. We agreed that we need to look deeper into the forces that cause change in an individual as well as in a society. The study of dialectical materialism is essential in our ideological battle against capitalist propaganda that you can’t change the society.

I proposed this idea to two of my friends at work and my wife. They are very excited about forming a group. My wife is a teacher for over 20 years with many friends. My daughter and her husband live far from us but she teaches English and has promised to help us with the translations.   We are planning our first social meeting with a churrasco dinner at my house. Our hope is that by the end of the year we will have dozens of people around us and we will be able to prepare for a communist school here.

—Red aerospace worker

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